25 March 2014

Turns out...

When you don't really leave the house, not a lot happens. And when not a lot happens, you have next to no new blog material. We've been pretty cozy around here, spending most of our days in pajamas long past breakfast, playing with toys, reading books, and napping. It's just too cold to be outside and I find myself not feeling the need to really go anywhere anyway. Which, for those who know me, is shocking. I don't "stay home" very well usually but I've been oddly content for the past week. Things usually look like this:

Yesterday I put the baby on his blanket and Ashton laid down for "tummy time" too.

Alex sleeps a lot.

Other things that have happened this past week are: Grandma and Grandpa visited, Poppy and Mema visited, we went for our first walk, and Ashton coughed right in Alex's face. If that doesn't say brotherly love, I don't know what does.

But this week we have some things going on for a change! This morning I left Alex with Jason (and his first bottles thanks to my new pump!) and got to take Ashton to his weekly class that Chera always brings him to with Owen. It was so cute to see all these two year olds sing, play, do artwork and sit together for story time. Ashton's been going to this class through EI for months and this was my first time. When we walked in the door, he yelled, "My MOMMY'S here! My MOMMY's here!" and I was so happy I thought my heart would burst. Speaking of EI, Ashton's evaluation is tomorrow morning. It's a 90 minute test and we are all pretty sure he will pass, which means he won't qualify for EI or speech anymore. Certainly bittersweet but we will see what happens. A big day for sure. Today I was finishing up a clementine and Ashton said, "Mommy is all done eating that orange," and then pointed to the peel and said, "And that is all for the trash." I just couldn't believe it. Sentences like that were nonexistent even a couple of months ago and he has come such a long way.

And Alex has come a long way too! We had our one week pediatrician appointment this afternoon. He weighed 7 lbs 3 oz at birth and then two days later (last Tuesday) he had hit 6 lbs 11 oz. So I was anxious to see what the scale said after nursing him what seems to be nonstop sometimes! Well, 7 lbs 9 oz :) Almost a pound in one week! For the second time today, I was so happy and proud. My two boys are doing great :)

Tomorrow after Ashton's evaluation, he is off to Christine's and I'm going to try and get some errands done with the baby in tow. Time to venture out! And then Friday my mom and my sister come for the weekend, I can't wait.

I'll leave you with Alex's one week (well, 8 days) old picture. It's so hard to tell how tiny he is from the pictures but obviously he is super, super cute ;) xox

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