21 March 2014


I won't really have a super huge amount of time to blog for awhile :-/ But I'm going to try and stick with it consistently even if I just put up a few pictures every few days. It's funny, some of the ones below were taken a couple days ago but I already consider them "old"!

Here are a few of my favorites since Alex was born. I realize he is wearing the exact same thing in each picture but I swear I change him. I just do laundry twice a day because he doesn't have much that fits him :-/

With Daddy:

 Huge feet! This angle does amplify the size though, haha. When you weigh 7 pounds, "huge" is a relative term.

Hanging with his older brother:

Ashton always asks to hold the baby - he is getting pretty good at it although I still hold my breath because I'm afraid he doesn't quite understand what "gentle" means.

Ashton also likes to pretend that HE is the baby - sits in the bouncy seat with a blanket over him and a paci. Haha,

So that's where we are at! He sleeps a lot and has been doing great at night, waking up to eat and then goes right back to sleep. Knock on wood! We went to the pediatrician on Tuesday and he was down to 6 lbs 11 oz, but that's still within the normal range of weight loss for a newborn. Everything else looks great, we go back again on Tuesday. 

In other news, my new breast pump comes today, I am sick with excitement because once I start to pump, I am freeeeee!! Haha not really, but at least someone else can feed him! It's also not too early to be thinking about building up a supply for going back to work, but I can barely get that thought to cross through my brain at this point. It's unfathomable. So for now, I'm just going to enjoy the next few months with my boys and go from there. 

Those are the main details after 4 days at home - Alex is up from his nap which means, gotta go! xo

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