12 March 2014


Well, Newton-Wellesley Hospital made my decision for me. I got bumped for the induction tomorrow due to them having too many others scheduled that were considered medically necessary (mine was the only one classified as elective). I'm taking it as a sign and was perfectly ok with the news. She said, "For what it's worth, I studied your chart and it looks great- you could go any day! Like any minute!" Ha.ha.ha.ha.ha :) We all know better.

And so, my next appointment is Monday and unless this baby comes on it's own, I won't be updating until after that. So begins life post due date!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. COME ON baby Nill - we're waiting for you :)

  2. How many times can one hit refresh on this blog? :)

    any day now...eek! xoxoxoxo
