29 January 2014

Morning surprise

I walked into Ashton's room this morning to get him up and out of his crib. I do this incredibly frequently (as in, every day) so I knew from the second I opened his door that something was amiss. And it didn't take long to figure out.

Minus Ashton, the scene looked like this.

There are three distinct things in this picture that were in his crib last night when I put him to bed that were not in his crib this morning. Let's zoom in, shall we?

The blanket doesn't bother me. But you guys are smart: if his pajama pants and his diaper were on the floor, and there was no magic fairy that changed him in the middle of the night...

I approached his crib cautiously. How long had he been naked from the waist down? Was there a #1 or #2 waiting for me? Was Ashton even going to be there in light of the carnage on the floor?? So many unknowns.

As a quick aside, Ashton likes to sleep on his front with his butt up in the air. Kind of like this:

(That's not Ashton OR our dog, but the only picture I could find to illustrate his position.) Anyway, I approached his crib from the rear and found him like this, sans pants and diaper. Suffice it to say, I was treated to quite the view. Good morning to me. And then, my darling two and a half year old popped right up and said proudly, "Ashton take off diaper!!" I tried to ask him why he did it and when he did it but he didn't give me much of a reply, which was fine. All I really cared about is that there was not a huge mess to clean up and a kid to throw in the tub. He continued to show me he had taken off his pants and his diaper, smiled and said he wanted to see Daddy, presumably to brag some more about his heroic feat.

Crisis averted, this time. I will be sticking to one-piece pajamas. That's all.

(p.s. if you did not see the series of viral photographs of the toddler that naps every day with his puppy (from which the above one was taken) I highly encourage you to take a peek for your daily dose of omg-that's-so-cute-it-almost-hurts.)

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