27 January 2014


Have you heard the latest update? It's cold here. What else? Oh, it's cold here. Did I also mention...it's cold here? I woke up to these very large frost crystals on the window the other morning...

Which were kind of pretty I guess. But *siiiiigh*, this is such a tough time of year. We spend a lot of time at home where nothing really happens and this blog is suffering as a result. I'm sure I don't need to point that out. So I figured if we are bored, it's only fair to pass it on and let you be bored too. This is how bad it gets around here:

1) We make hats out of pipe cleaners and a colander.

2) We practice putting our shoes on in various yoga poses. We've agreed that downward-facing dog is the toughest.

3) We take long baths with bubbles. Honestly, Ashton was in the tub for nearly 45 minutes the other day. Why? Because what else are we doing??

4) We watch a little too much TV. This temporarily alleviates the boredom but causes dry eyes due to complete cessation of all blinking activity (otherwise known as "Mickey Mesmerization Syndrome").

5) We practice our math (video). Ashton can actually count all the way to 13. I realize that in this clip, I started recording late, he misses a couple numbers and the order is not entirely sequential, so this is not exactly what you call "hard evidence". Perhaps if I get bored enough I'll chase him around and see if I can get a better one. For now, just take my word for it. We count a lot. A lot. A lot.

6) We whine at the view out of our front window.

Yes, there's a lot of whining. Mostly by me. There's only so many times you can play trains or cook muffins. While I'm on muffins, and baking in general, Ashton loves to help and mix and will do it all day long. But he never eats the fruits of his labor. I go to all this trouble to find egg-free recipes and he takes one look, shakes his head and says, "No, uh uh, no thank you Mommy." Originally I thought he just didn't like "bits" in his baked goods, so I made his cookies without chocolate chips and his muffins without blueberries. But it seems he's just not into the carbs. For most, that would be a good thing as we all tend to put on a bit of pudge this time of year. But Ashton is the opposite, he's growing leaner by the day. I guess that comes with growing up, growing taller, and asserting a firm "NO" to basically every food except cereal. But I miss the chubby fingers and thighs, funny how I'm already nostalgic about the early life of my two and a half year old. Good thing I have another one coming soon! I'm certain I'll look back on this post a couple months from now and WISH Ashton and I had the luxury of being bored. But for now, *siiiiiigh*. Send new toys. 

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