11 January 2014

Um, poison control? What happens if...

Ashton's napping and it is a rainy, gross Saturday afternoon. So let me tell you what I have going on today. Mainly, I'm watching Ashton's diaper output. Fun! Here's why.

Ashton loves eating the freeze dried strawberries out of the Special K red berries. I was alerted to the fact that Trader Joe's sells these on their own in snack bags, so instead of continuing to waste boxes of leftover flakes (or force-feed them to myself), off we went last night after work. Delightfully, they were $3.49 a bag and I bought three. Now, Ashton is no dummy. He knew exactly what I had bought and asked me and asked me for "staw-beh-wees" on our way back to the car. So when we got there, I ripped open a bag, poured some in his snack cup, handed it back to him and off we went to the indoor playspace for an hour. It was 5 pm and it was dark.

When we got home about 6:15 pm, I unloaded the groceries and took a look at the strawberry bag for the first time. A nice little text box on the back told me:

I was like, oh my god. I dumped the rest of the bag out into a bowl - no packet. Ashton was watching Mickey so I ran out to my car, hoping to find it on the floor or next to his carseat, sure that if the packet had made it into his snack cup, he would not have eaten it. No packet. Naturally, I started to panic. I called the pediatrician's answering service and asked for a callback. Then I checked Google to see what people said about if you ate one of these things. I couldn't focus on the search results so I called poison control. The nice man instantly told me that if Ashton had indeed eaten it, it was nontoxic and no more harmful than eating beach sand. The worst that would happen would be a stomachache and the reason they say don't eat it because it is a choking hazard. Didn't I hear Ashton cough at some point in the back seat on the way to the playspace? I did - I had offered him water.

I hung up the phone, still sobbing my eyes out obviously. I opened another bag of strawberries and sure enough located the packet they were talking about.

Could Ashton REALLY have eaten this? I offered it to him to see what he would do with it as there was strawberry dust all over it.

He instantly put it in his mouth, smiled and said, "Eat this! Staw-beh-wee!"

Well I fished it back out immediately. I did not need him eating two of these things! I called Jason at work despite the fact that Ashton was behaving as normal, eating his dinner, and pushing his shopping cart around. There was nothing he could really do anyway but sometimes you just have to call your husband in hysterics. You know?

So nothing has happened since then. Jason tried to find the packet in my car and could not. So, unless that one particular bag of strawberries did not happen to have a packet, it's in Ashton's body somewhere. Hence, the diaper watching. Weeeeeee. Stay tuned.

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