17 January 2014

Bumpdate - 32 weeks

Well we're roughly 8 weeks out folks. Some days this baby can't come soon enough, and some days I'm glad it's going to be in there another couple of months because what-in-the-HECK-am-I-going-to-do-with-two? And two in diapers!! ACK!

Okay I'll save the freak out for later. I still have 8 weeks after all and there are lots of positives to focus on.

First, I've had an almost easier pregnancy this time than I had with Ashton. My weight gain is about the same (right now I'm +27 pounds as of my appointment yesterday, my OB expects I'll put on a couple more but should be roughly +30 in the end, my goal) but I've been less achy and have had far less discomfort. Going into my pregnancy with Ashton, I was running every day and getting lots of exercise walking around the city because I worked downtown. I was in good firm shape and the "growing process" was a bit painful with him. This time around? Well don't you know, everything is just already stretched out. I am not sore at all! Knock on wood.

Second, I'm told the baby is head down and facing back, which is good news for D-Day (D for Delivery). The funniest thing I will never forget: we took an all-day baby class at my hospital, Newton-Wellesley, before Ashton was born. Our teacher was describing the labor process, and she said with your first baby, the birth canal is basically this:

A dense, overgrown trail that the baby has to bulldoze down through  - an arduous process that can make first deliveries long and difficult. But due to this baby's efforts, any subsequent babies are treated to a birth canal that looks like this:

It's just an open road. The sun is shining, the pavement is smooth and there are signs that say "EXIT THIS WAY". Babies traveling this route enjoy a much higher speed limit and it's often easier-going for the mom as well. Here's hoping.

Third, I love the stretchy clothes. The best thing about pregnancy is not having to wonder about whether you look fat, because, well, you do. It's a virtual certainty. But it's a comfortable fat because of the elastic waistbands and long ruched tops. Amen sister!

Fourth, watching Ashton gradually get it - that a baby is coming. He knows Mommy is big because there's a baby in her tummy and when it is big enough, it will be ready to come out. Not today, but soon. Our speech therapist brought me a few books specifically about a little boy becoming a big brother, how different babies are from big kids, etc. We sit down to read them and Ashton is completely fixated on the pictures. I can tell the wheels are turning and it's easy to see that he's really learning in those moments. I watch his eyes and face and can't imagine having another child that I could possibly love and adore as much as I love and adore him. But I know it will happen - it's crazy! 

I'll post again at 36 weeks and answer all your burning questions about the nursery, whether we have names picked out, etc. but for now, all is well! And because I love a good before-and-after/comparison photo/whatever, I'll leave you with my roughly 32-week selfies (I really hate that word) from both pregnancies. Voila!

You know, that's the first time I've put those side-by-side. I think my Ashton photo was taken more like 30-31 weeks (at this stage that makes a difference) but I really am bigger with this one. Oh well, refer to #3 above. 

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