08 May 2015

And now it's...summer?

April was a light month in this blog-land. I just wasn't into it and although I could have managed a few trivial posts...eh. You know what we've been doing - hitting the park and playing outside! But there are a few newsworthy things that I can share.

1. Baby Berg is here! Jayden Geung Lomberg came almost 3 weeks early! He was due May 15 and arrived April 26th instead. 7 pounds 5 oz of pure little love and I burst through the hospital door as soon as visitors were being allowed haha. I absolutely consider him my nephew and we are so happy for Berg and Karen :)

Every time I hold a newborn I can't even fathom Ashton and Alex ever being that little - but obviously they were!

2. Poppy and Mema came last weekend for a quick visit and took Ashton to the Big Apple Circus. At least, I think that's where they went. Poppy texted me this fine image:

It's a little hard to tell ;) Although actually, it occurs to me that this picture isn't his fault; someone else took it. Anyway, we were so excited to see how much fun Ashton would have at the circus and as it turned out, it wasn't a lot :( He was scared of the clowns and the ringmaster and they ended up moving seats to sit further away from the action. On the bright side (literally), he came home with a ridiculously overpriced spinning light toy souvenir thing that he loves very much. Thanks Poppy and Mema! :)

3. Alex got his second haircut. It was totally perfect until I watched her comb the hair down in the front and then snip across his forehead in a straight line! I was like AH! What are you doing?! He's not Lloyd from Dumb and Dumber! Luckily Alex's hair always messed up so it's hard to discern what his actual haircut looks like at any given time.

4. We broke out the water table. It seems we have skipped spring altogether and summer is here. In fact just last night Jason was tossing and turning and super grumpy because it was too hot for him to sleep. But warm temps mean water table and Alex was, shall we say, beyond the beyond. He is going to have so much fun this summer playing. As soon as our driveway gets repaved, we plan to put a sandbox at the bottom in front of the garage. Said sandbox, in conjunction with the water table, should relieve me of all parenting responsibilities. I'm just going to sit in my chair and watch the boys recreate all.by.themselves. 

Oh, warm temps also mean summer pajamas :)


5. I think perhaps the biggest thing in the past two weeks is that I started running again. I used to be very fit before I got pregnant with Ashton and now that I've had two boys, well...I'm not very fit anymore. So I recently made a command decision that I needed to start making time for running again. It's been 14 days and I think I've gone for 9 runs? Maybe 8, who's counting. It was a tough start, my muscles were SO sore I could barely move. I found a great loop near my house down by the river and also have gone on my lunch break at Bentley. 

See how committed I am? I needed this photographic proof to show Jason that this is not just a fad and therefore he needed to buy me some hot new sneaks. Which he did because he knows what's good for him. Behold.

They aren't actually in my possession yet but SOON! Anyway, I was out of excuses now that I'm done breastfeeding (honestly, running up until this point just simply wasn't an option. No sports bra in the world would have held those things). Most days I have Jen stay an extra half hour so I get home, change, run and then meet the boys at the playground. My loop is 26 minutes and I look forward to it now!

6. As previously mentioned, we are repaving our driveway and also re-doing our front walkway with some nice gray stones. We picked a contractor and hopefully can get on their schedule for early June. The fence was also up for discussion but we could not swing two (more expensive than I would have thought!) projects this year. The driveway and walkway though will make a huge difference and obvi, before and afters will be shared. Speaking of before and afters, I never did post about my dining room that's been finished since last Thanksgiving! So unlike me. It's my least favorite room in the house maybe that's why.

7. Ashton and Alex are great, Alex thinks everything is a phone so he is constantly raising random objects to his ear and waits expectantly for me to say "Hello? Who's there?" He thinks this is very funny. I had his whole summer wardrobe washed and ready to go and the first day we had warm weather, I realized nothing fit him! That little bugger is bigger than he looks. The nice thing about a basement full of boy clothes is that I could just go shopping in the next size bin. So he's been sporting overalls and all the little tees that Ashton used to wear and it's so cute.

And that, dear readers, is all. I'm afraid our life lately hasn't been exciting enough to necessitate posts! If you have any ideas, send them my way :)

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