24 April 2015

Spring has...sprung? (with Easter on the side)

We were doing so well for a little while there. Tshirts! Crocs! And then what the heck is up with this week. It's cold and windy and I don't like it. We went to the playground last night and I swear, we were one degree away from gloves.

Our April has been plodding along and today I realized it's been two weeks since I last posted. My usual excuse: no material. It's basically been the same every day: go to work, come home, go to the playground, come home. Wash, rinse, repeat. But I have enough random stuff saved up that I think I can gin up a post. Here's what we've been doing.

We'll start with a little holiday called Easter. GG was visiting so while Alex napped, Jason and I took Ashton to the annual egg hunt in Belmont. I use the word "hunt" loosely.

That was the 3 and under section. Ashton was in a tough spot because he was bigger than most kids that "hunted" here, but a little small for the main field (which, when the horn blew, was basically a stampede - parents included!). We tried him there anyway, all the eggs were gone in a nanosecond and I think he got one. After that we brought him back over to the playground, he scooped up some more, chewed some tootsie rolls, and things were good.

The next morning the Easter Bunny came and brought baskets with goodies and a bigwheel!

(Ashton would later ride it and say "I don't like the Easter Bunny. This bike is no good." (Steering issues.))

Anyway, the boys dug through their baskets (I got them matching one piece shortie pajamas, I cannot WAIT for those), Ashton went on an indoor egg hunt, and we got a family pic. Overall Easter success except we did not make it to church and Ashton wore his Christmas pajamas the whole time. What? They still fit!

So that was Easter and the main thing I've been behind on posting about.

BUT, while I'm here, what else. We have been loving the playground and by we I mean Alex. He walks around just clapping, smiling and squealing with happiness. It's so stinking cute. 

Also, at 13 months old he literally dives down the slide, head first, by himself.

I help him off at the bottom and he climbs right back up to do it again. I'm really at the point where both boys need new middle names: Alex "No Fear" Nill and Ashton "I taught him everything he knows" Nill.

We also went to Drumlin Farm recently, that's always a hit for approximately 45 minutes. There are lots of baby animals and this last time, there was a little lamb that was less than an hour old! But again with Alex, he's just at such a great age where he is beginning to take in the world with some semblance of understanding and it's awesome to watch. He's so cute! I know I said that already but he is :)

House stuff: the monster palace across the street is, dare I say, looking good. They chose a slate blue color and the windows have a nice trim.

The thing is two huge houses connected, one in front, one in back, but I don't mind our view because it's straight on. If the market around here stays what it is, these "condos" will sell in a hot second. The ones down the street, not nearly as nice, sold for $739k in ONE DAY. I'm waiting for the contractor to give me a quote on paving our driveway at the same time they are pouring the asphalt for these. But before the new driveway comes a new fence, and we are also waiting on quotes for that. These are the only real big projects remaining that we will do. I think.

Lastly, the quick run down of leftover, in-the-past-two-weeks news:
* I stopped nursing Alex completely.
* Jason got a new car.
* I finally figured out how to rotate pictures on my iPhone (this is not small potatoes - it's in the crop function, who knew?).
* We met our new neighbors - they are awesome! And have kids the same age!
* Our grill cover came off and we had the first burgers of the season.
* I did a massive basement organization that included finally putting our Christmas decorations in the proper spot. Hey, it's only April right?
* This week was school vacation week - it's looking like we'll survive. It hasn't been nearly as deadly as February break was, largely because of the aforementioned playground time. Speaking of which, another hour and that's where I'll be. Wash, rinse, repeat.

1 comment:

  1. The playground pictures of Alex are so adorable OMG. And the bike comment from Ashton is hilarious. <3 See you boys in a few weeks!
    Auntie Kari
