11 May 2014

Birth Announcement

It's kind of ironic. My last post was all about how I'm managing with two, how it's not that bad, etc. And that is true. But they are very time consuming, these two boys of mine. I get a free minute here and there, but certainly no big chunks of time to, say, address 75 envelopes for Alex's birth announcements. And I'm just not committed to doing one at a time, whenever I get a chance.

This post is going to drive Jason bananas. You see, I did design birth announcements. I did order them. I even went so far as to complain to Shutterfly that their formatting was messed up and they needed to reprint them, which they did. Weeks ago. But now that I have the final product, I just can't prioritize actually getting them in the mail. Poor Alex. So begins a lifetime of being the second kid: his whole wardrobe is hand-me-downs, I don't take his picture that often, and once he wore the same diaper for 7 hours because I forgot to change him. While we're on diapers, he wears the cheap kind. And now, an e-birth announcement. I fear he will end up therapy, and soon.

So here is what the perfectly cute (and Jason would add "and perfectly PAID FOR!") cards that are sitting in my basement look like.

Like most things, they are better in person. My "right-click, copy, paste" didn't produce a very good photo at all. But isn't there kind of a statue of limitations on birth announcements? Like, it's getting too late to send them out anyway? Maybe it feels like that because I've already had them for so long, and Alex at 8 weeks old looks really different than the Alex at 3 weeks old in the above picture. Anyway, sorry Alex (most people do know that you were born) and sorry Jason (at least I'm saving money on postage).

Today is also Mother's Day. I do not have much to report on this so far. Jason's working, Ashton's napping, and Alex is on his playmat (another hand-me-down, I don't think he knows). It's beautiful outside, there are a couple lawnmowers going, and oh, the laundry just beeped. Happy Mother's Day to me ;)

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