21 May 2014

2 Months Old

This post is pretty self-explanatory :) Alex had his 2 month pediatrician appointment yesterday and he is as perfect as perfect can be.

Weight: 12 pounds 15 ounces (75th percentile)
Length (height?): 23.75 inches (75th percentile)
Head circumference: 16 cm (85th percentile)
Diapers: Size 1
Bottles: Only a couple so far. I need to give him more so he can practice, he's not great at them yet.
Clothes: 3 months
Favorite pastime: Walks in the carrier, batting at the squirrel on his playmat
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Strawberry blond. This is true, folks. His hair has a reddish tint to it on the sides (?)
Looks: Like me. Well, people either say that they don't know who he looks like or that he looks like me. Which is fine in my book :)

He got a couple shots yesterday at his appointment and was a little cranky but who wouldn't be. Sleepwise, he is a dream. He goes down for the night anytime between 9:15-10:15 pm and usually gives me a stretch until 4 am on average. He eats and goes right back to sleep until 6:30 am, at which point he usually wakes up grunting/gassy but when I bring him in bed with me he calms right down. When Ashton was this age he was already in his own room but I just am not ready to kick Alex out yet. I'm in uncharted territory as far as this goes because Ashton was used to sleeping swaddled and flat on his back from the very beginning. Alex is not used to either of these things. He sleeps on an incline, in the rock n play, with his arms free. So I'm worried about the transition from his cozy little nest to the vast flatland that is his crib. Just like with Ashton starting potty training, getting rid of his paci, and getting him a big boy bed, I have no idea how to do it and therefore am avoiding it altogether. Great parenting, I know. 

Alex is smiling, gurgling, cooing, and overall a super calm baby. So sweet, quiet and happy. Jason and I have already joked that Ashton is going to be bruising it up out on some kind of sports field and Alex will be in the library. Do you think you can tell how a person is going to turn out based on how they were as a baby? I do. 

Anyway, I'm soaking up my time with him as my maternity leave comes to an end in a few weeks. My start date had been set for June 4, but then I looked at the calendar, counted the weeks, and the full 12 that FMLA gives you would put me back June 11. So I'm waiting for confirmation that I can have one more week. Both boys are going to be at the home daycare that Ashton has been going to a couple days a week since last August. They will go together on Wednesdays and Thursdays (the two days I am working) until the fall, when Ashton starts preschool. I have yet to figure out anything past the end of August but feel good about the summer at least.

The weather is getting warmer, sunnier, brighter and everything is well (except Ashton's knees, they've already taken a beating and it isn't even Memorial Day). Happy 2 months Alex! As soon as I post your pictures I am coming to scoop you up and kiss your face. So get ready :)

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog when I did a search of "splash pads" in Boston and a post from 2012 popped up with pictures of your oldest enjoying the Beaver Book splash pad came up. I've started reading it since and I just want to say thanks. We just moved here from Oregon a few months ago and I have been aching to find other families happy and enjoying living in Boston. My husband grew up here so it was returning home for him, but pretty new to me (having grown up in Illinois and then falling in love with Oregon) so the move was tough and I've been struggling whether we can be happy here. I love how honest you are! Your family is also awesome ;-) So thanks for inadvertently helping another mama (new to town) feel that living and loving Boston can be done!
