05 May 2017


I'd like to begin this post with an observation. My blogging has obviously fallen way off, and it's because the urgent need to document everything is fading fast. In the beginning of the boys' little lives, it all happened so quickly. Ashton was born and all the big things, like first steps and his first birthday and first words, well they came at a rapid pace and as such, blog posts came pouring out of me. Just as that was slowing down, we moved, and our Watertown house kept us busy until shortly after, when I got pregnant with Alex. There was that whole round of excitement, another set of blink-and-you'll-miss-them milestones plus lots of fun house projects, and then we moved again. Looking back, I was still a well-oiled blogging machine until about 6 months ago. Lately I just haven't had any dramatic before-and-afters, we aren't moving, and there are no more babies coming. We've settled in to life, you know? And part of me is sick of doing the same post every year. For example, we just had Ashton's annual allergy appointment, which I should write up because of all things, it's great for me to have to refer to, but I can't muster it somehow. And I do have a post on our guest room I suppose I could document, but the days go by and I don't take the pictures. I've had the blogging blahs.

In an effort to overcome this, I am going to write about our new patio furniture that came yesterday afternoon. I wouldn't otherwise turn this in to a post, but in order to avoid this blog turning into a wasteland, something needs to be done so, giant cardboard boxes it is. 

First off, the set we bought. I spent more time than I care to admit finding the perfect loveseat and chairs for our back deck and when I saw this it was instant love. So it was delivered yesterday and the two huge boxes sat at the top of our driveway waiting for Jason to get home. They were REALLY huge.

The boys of course got their saws out and insisted on "helping" which really just meant they circled around Jason's legs and got in his way. 

Overall, I *loved* the furniture but the whole thing was a bit of a letdown. With tons of rain in the forecast, we didn't move the pieces around to arrange them or put the cushions down or anything. So it's all just sitting outside at the moment, in no particular order. 

Until the rain goes away, which will be never. Here is the forecast currently:

If you need me I'll be withering away from a Vitamin D deficiency. But I digress. 

So the two people in our family who got the most satisfaction out of this delivery were, you guessed it, not me and Jason. 

Jason quickly built a double-wide, complete with a door and a couple of windows. I bet if he was being truthful he would tell you he was a little excited to go in it

As for me, I'm naming this estate Naples after the patio set. Due to the aforementioned weather, Naples, being the prime piece of property that she is, was moved inside to stay dry and is now resting comfortably in my living room.

The boys were out of their minds this morning. Soooo excited. See the sign on the front?

Ashton hung it. I'm told it says "THIS WAY TO THE PARTY." I don't speak sticker so I'll take his word for it. 

Well it's Friday afternoon and the boys and I are headed to New York tomorrow morning to celebrate Owen's 5th birthday. Jason's going to dismantle Naples while we're gone. In the meantime, I'm preparing for them stockpile every toy they own inside, set up flashlights, want to eat dinner in there and maybe even sleep in it. The heck with the patio furniture, Naples is going to be make my night VERY easy ;) 

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