28 June 2014

PYO Strawberries

So it's finally summer which means lots and lots of yummy fruit out there. Specifically, local pick-your-own, and today began our season of what I'm sure will be many farm visits over the next few months for strawberries, blueberries, peaches, apples, etc etc. Moms love this season because it seems like a good wholesome activity to take your kids to go do. They labor in the sun, which tires them out, and at the end they get to eat healthy, well-deserved snacks.

So without further ado, PYO #1: Strawberries. We headed out to Verrill Farms in Concord this morning. It was a little hot and I couldn't bring the stroller out to the field, so I had Alex in the carrier and stood there sweating while trying to teach Ashton how to determine a good strawberry from a bad strawberry. No, not the smashed one, or the white one, or the one half-chewed by ants. Yes, the red one. And that red one. And yes, that red one! (Lots of pointing done by me here.) The first half of our pint had some questionable picks but he got the hang of it the more he sampled. Boy they should tell you, don't wear clothes you care about to this activity. It cost us $5.25 for the fruit and one Old Navy polo shirt.

Anyway, this is some serious on-your-knees picking which means toddlers are good at it because they are closer to the ground. Here is how it went.

Towards the end, Ashton was pooped, Alex and I felt great, and we had a nice, juicy pint of strawberries ready to stain everything in our house. Success!

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