18 June 2014

Father's Day Weekend

Continuing on with all the posts I feel like I am behind on, this past weekend was Father’s Day and the boys and I spent the first part of it up in Vermont sans Jason. We went up for my sister’s baby shower – she is due with a baby girl in August and I am sooo excited. There are no little girls in my family OR Jason’s family so she will be the first. Girl stuff is so stinking cute, I can’t wait to buy her a miniature bathing suit. I'm obsessed with them. Tee hee.

So there we were, about 15 of us on our friend Patti’s back porch. There were mimosas and cupcakes and presents and it was all in all a lovely brunch. Here are some of my favorite photos:

Kari and the two "grandmothers" - I use parentheses because Becky and my mom are way more fabulous than that word ;)

Me and the mom-to-be :)

We were lucky in that the weather warmed up juuuuuust enough to be outside and we had so much fun. I'd say between her wonderful gifts and all the gear I plan to happily unload on her she should be all set!

The boys and I drove home on Sunday to be with Jason for Father's Day. Now, this has become the fourth yearly occasion for which presents are technically supposed to be given (in addition to birthday, Christmas, and anniversary. We skip Valentine's Day because, well, it's Valentine's Day). But the good thing about Father's Day is that Jason has to love and cherish whatever Ashton makes for him (this is what we gave him for his first Father's Day - we have since moved and I tried to find it recently to frame for our photo wall but couldn't :( )

This year, Ashton decided on some fine art. Sculpture, to be precise. He didn't make it or anything, he just painted it. We went to Make Meaning at Legacy Place in Dedham, and they have a whole wall of ceramics: plates, mugs, etc. but Ashton saw the train and went crazy for it.

It was extremely hard to explain that this was not a toy and frankly, a very breakable $26, so I held my breath basically until we were done.

Alex didn't get Jason anything but he was along for the ride (story of his life so far ;) )

I eventually had to cut Ashton off from painting for fear that all the colors would mix and the train would come out brown. I wrote "Father's Day 2014 - ACN" on the bottom, they glazed and fired it and voila! It now has a happy home on Jason's desk at work.

Of course we tried to get a photo of Jason and the boys on Sunday night. Most of them looked like this.

Happy Father's Day to Jason, Poppy, Grandpa and all the dads out there! We love you xoxo

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