19 June 2014

3 Month Memes

My little baby's life is flying by. Alex is 3 months old! This is a new phenomenon for me because I distinctly remember time moving in slow motion when I first had Ashton. My world had changed so dramatically: I had left my job and didn't have many mom friends yet, so a lot of days I found myself struggling with my new identity and what to do in between the feedings, diaper changes, etc. This time, I blinked and newborndom was over.

I don't have any height or weight stats because there was no 3 month well-visit. But Alex has grown in so many ways, not the least of which is his little personality. Speaking of, I've taken the liberty of creating memes out of some of his recent photos to make things a little more interesting. I know you're riveted by my reports on his diaper size (2, but very soon-to-be 3), clothes size (3-6 or 6 month), and how he is sleeping (up twice usually) but that doesn't mean we can't have some extra fun.

He loves all the things that most babies love: music, being held, walks, and baths.

And he remains a very calm, happy baby. He really only fusses when he's wet, tired, or hungry.

He and Ashton are the best of friends.

And play together so well.

Hahaha I love that one. We splurged on this jumper for Ashton and it is awesome (reviewed here). But maybe you'd have to see the video of how bouncy this thing can get. Really bouncy. Like, destination: outer space.

In all seriousness, he is doing great, smiling and "talking" and so happy despite basically having a cold that won't quit. He goes through phases of being really mucousy and there's just nothing I can do besides saline and the nosefrida (another awesome device). It could be allergies but it's more likely the petri dish disguised as his older brother.

Besides the jumper he loves the toy bar on his Baby Bjorn seat and is definitely starting to get curious about the world around him.

He also likes to grab the rings on his playmat but we don't do a lot of tummytime because, well, I forget. But he's really strong and can support his own weight when I help him stand. No rolling over yet and no nap schedule yet, but it's still a little early. 

Other highlights: cradle cap, which I treated with Mustela and it's mostly gone. The scrubbing made huge knots in his hair that I had to cut out. And then when Jason was giving Ashton a buzz cut last week, he trimmed the wings fur hair by Alex's ears so he actually looked like he had had a haircut too! I was so mad I didn't get any pictures of that (good before-and-after, amiright?). And he's getting better at bottles, taking about 4 oz each time from a medium flow nipple on the days that I am at work.

So that about catches you up on everything. Love my thankfully-still-little Alex :) xo

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