18 December 2013

All About Me

I feel like everyone who reads this blog probably knows Ashton pretty well. And Jason to some extent - I drop in some tidbits about him every now and then. Recently I've seen that thing go around Facebook where people share some perhaps unknown facts about themselves according to what number they are assigned by their friends. I've decided to do this for myself in this blog post, even though no one has given me a number or really even asked me to. But, it's MY blog and I am hereby deeming myself the subject of this post. I will try to get to 15 things. I'm kind of interested to see what I write.

1) Well, first, I don't understand people that don't floss. It is the easiest, quickest thing in the world to do, prevents bad breath, keeps your teeth white, and in general is just a nice habit to have and yet, so many people don't do it. It blows my mind.

2) I loathe the idea of baths and sitting for an extended period of time in your own dirty water as it gets progressively colder. You'd literally have to hold me down to get me to stay in one.

3) I believe one should always drink Diet Coke out of the can because plastic bottles just don't get as cold (unless it's an emergency, in which case, a bottle has to do. Sometimes a bottle just has to do).

4) I love Ashton with every fiber and every cell of my being, but I don't always love being a mom. It's hard!

5) I've never smoked (or even tried) a cigarette.

6) I still miss Tate and think about him a lot.

7) If I could change something about my body, I'd have a thinner waist so I could wear cute belts and dresses would look nicer. I don't have much curve at all and sometimes feel "boxy".

8) I can't read stories about animals or children being mistreated. I won't open the links or read past the headline. It is physically painful for me and I'd rather not know, even though it's not lost on me that if everyone said that, we'd have a huge problem on our hands.

9) If I could choose to have an extraordinary talent or skill (besides blogging, duh), whether it be art, dance, what have you - I'd pick singing. Not to be famous or on a TV show, just because singing and music moves people in a way that a lot of things can't.

10) Pinterest makes me feel inadequate and reminds me all the time that I never do the things I'd like to (thanks PINS).

11) I won't make a recipe if I don't have all the ingredients (including fresh herbs. Even if I have the dry spices, I will either go to the store to buy fresh or pick something else to cook). I have to have everything exactly as it's listed. I do not "wing it" and have been known to quit in the middle if I think it is coming out bad.

12) Jason and I rarely watch movies and haven't been to the theater in years. It's too much of a risk to waste 2 hours of perfectly good time when most movies don't end up being worth it.

13) I used to drink my coffee black, but ever since that fateful day when Jason put milk and sugar in it for the first time...well anyway, in my head I still drink it black and would tell a stranger that.

14) I love to buy wrapping paper. If I see a cute roll of it somewhere I always have to get it. I have a big collection and there is no greater compliment than when someone tells me they know which of their gifts is mine just by the paper.

15) I have no urge to travel. I like my own bed and access to all my stuff whenever I need it.

16) Now that I work at a university amongst so many intelligent faculty and staff, I frequently feel silly that I never got a Masters degree. It's just that I never had a strong enough interest in anything to send myself to grad school. I feel silly about that too, but it's the truth. I'm intellectually lazy.

17) I donate $2 to the Ride to Give causes whenever I get the chance and remain completely obsessed with Tripp Halstead.

18) I am funny about sponges. I buy them in bulk and change them out regularly. My sponges have their own special holder and they are not multipurpose i.e. the dish sponge does not double as the counter sponge (shudder).

19) We moved into our house almost a year ago and still, every day when I come home I am reminded how much I love it and how grateful I am to live there. Jason and I say all the time how we can't believe it is ours and we never take for granted that we have good jobs, can provide for our son (and future child) and never forget to appreciate what we have and the happiness it brings us. Especially this time of year when we are sitting in front of our warm fireplace with our Christmas tree nearby.

Wow - 19 things! I guess I could have stretched it to 20 but I think that is enough self-indulgence for one day. I'm going to get a cookie.

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