05 December 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

I fear I've missed the boat on posting about Thanksgiving because we are already well on our way to prepping for Christmas. But for historical purposes I feel like I should document something, and this Thanksgiving shall be dubbed THE YEAR OF THE SCOOTER. Some background: my mom (GG) had come down to watch Ashton about a week before Thanksgiving and they had run into a little boy in the park that had a scooter. Given Ashton's tendency to be obsessed with anything that is not remotely his, he stole borrowed it and rode it around for an hour. GG sent me several videos during this time and I admit, Ashton was pretty good for being 2.3 years old.

We drove up to Vermont for Thanksgiving a week later, walked in the door, and there was a shiny new blue scooter waiting for him (and a nice big helmet ;) ). When Ashton laid eyes on this thing...well it was love at first sight. Luckily it had rubber wheels because he rode it around and around the house.

 Not even pausing to eat.

Actually even the adults took turns despite the 44 pound weight limit. It was the toy du jour.

The last day I was there we decided to take it outside. Honestly, he should have had his helmet on but I did not think he would ever get going as fast as he did! GG and I took turns spotting him and he just rode and rode. He was sweating he was working so hard haha.

Thanks GG! I think Ashton would take this to bed with him if he could :)

Now, Thanksgiving itself. There were 10 adults, 1 kid (Ashton) and 1 baby (Woody). In fact here are said kid and said baby sizing each other up:

The funny part is that in that picture, Ashton has Woody's snacks and Woody has Ashton's train.

Anyway, I had brought my big-girl camera so I could attempt to get something cute and christmas-card worthy. I put Ashton in front of the fireplace and prayed. After a minute or two, I was the proud owner of these:

Nothing says "Happy holidays from the Nills!" like a box of Town House crackers. I naturally did not use any of these. At least his shirt was cute though.

So what else? Oh, the eating part. Duh. My mom's table was beautiful:

Ashton helped with the cooking:

And so did Jason. Although based on his pictures you'd think we were having ham instead of turkey. Haha get it? I'm his wife I'm allowed to make jokes like that ;)

And then we were all too busy eating for me to take any more photos! But I need to admit something. This blog would not be an honest place if I didn't. Ummm, ok here goes. I'm just going to say it really fast. AshtonwatchedMickeyontheiPadduringThanksgivingdinner. *GASP!* But see, I really wanted to enjoy myself for ten minutes, so I handed him a dinner roll (all he would eat), pressed play and gave myself a bye. No one is perfect.

Overall, a wonderful happy Thanksgiving :) We missed my brother Erik (Hi Erik! Shout out!) but he was in California with some other family so that was ok.

On to Christmas!!

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