13 December 2013

O Christmas Tree

I have been, like, shockingly busy this week. I hope our Christmas tree will forgive my delay in posting about the most important day in its life, EVER. The story of its rite of passage from Canadian tree farm anonymity to revered holiday symbol. Its response to the call of duty heard by evergreens the world over. The time-honored tradition! The bejeweled transformation that lights up the world! Christmas tree- this post is for you.

So as I previously documented, our Christmas tree was living at a Home Depot when we decided it should come home with us. It sat in its stand for a couple of days so the branches could fall and spread out. Then, Saturday morning came and it was D-DAY (D for decoration).

Jason and Ashton conducted the opening ceremony by creating an artistic interpretation of our tree with crayons (this is officially called "coloring").

After breakfast, it was time to untangle the lights, string them up, and place the Santa hat.
Phase 1 complete. Ashton launched Phase 2 with the first ornament- the softest, most non-breakable one we have.

The first one took awhile. He was very concentrated and not sure what to do. But eventually each one he placed was followed with an "I did it!" and a big smile. It was really, really cute.

If I had to evaluate the overall result, however...let's just say it was easy to spot the ones Ashton was responsible for. They were on the very tips of the longest bottom branches, one pine needle in. These ornaments were literally hanging for their lives.

Many fell and we suffered one fatality. Overcrowding was also an issue.

One thing I will give credit for - Ashton is an equal opportunity employer. He wanted to make sure everything in our ornament bin got a shot.

But, he drank on the job. Straight out of the shaker! No manners whatsoever.

Other than that, smooth sailing.

I'd be lying if I said we didn't move some around after Ashton went down for his nap. We also realized just how many of our ornaments are glass. Like, 95% of them. So we installed one of those invisible electric fences around the tree so Ashton can't get anywhere near it (when he's wearing his collar at least). It's remarkable, you can't even see it.

Haha jk.

And that's how a humble balsam fir became our glorious, shining beacon of Christmas! Maybe it should have a crown on top instead - something more regal. Christmas tree - I'll look into that. You deserve it.

p.s. I am pretty sure my mom is the only one that watches the videos I post on YouTube, but I like to link them from here anyway. This is with a little help from Daddy, and this is all by himself :)

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