19 March 2020

Alex turns 6 under very unusual circumstances

Well everyone. Alexander Michael is 6 years old and it is some interesting times we are having over here in Natick, Massachusetts. We are currently practicing social isolation due to the COVID-19 outbreak - that will be a whole separate post or set of posts. For this one, I want to focus on just how big Alex's personality is and what turning 6 looked like for him.

Since we weren't leaving the house, I tried to decorate as much as I possibly could with the supplies I had.

It was hard to get all in one shot but it definitely felt festive :)

So what did Alex do on Monday, March 16, 2020? He woke up, clutching Pluto by his neck like he usually does.

Got in a little exercise with GoNoodle

Worked on his studies

Dialed into the Mo Willems lunchtime doodle session

Helped with his cake

And of course, opened presents.

He wanted, quite specifically, a blue whistle on a blue necklace.

He also got some Harry Pottery Legos, a stopwatch, some games, and a 3D puzzle that he actually gave to Ashton. So that worked out, because Ashton needed Jason's help. I call this 
"Heaven: In which everyone is busy and quiet at once."

Of course he got to choose dinner (pizza) and then we had cake :)

And now - last but not least. I had put the request out to Alex's classmates, friends, teachers, family, etc. to send me a quick video clip of them singing, wishing him a great day, etc. I dumped them all into iMovie and right before bed, I had Alex watch 12 minutes of all his favorite faces surprising him with birthday messages.

It was so fun and so neat. Link to the video is here. It's not fancy (and also, I look like TOTAL garbage - being cooped up in the house, with no where to go and no one to see, does not inspire my best look hahaha) but we all had huge smiles watching it. Under the circumstances I really think he had a great time being "king", as he referred to himself. As for me, I was trying not to remember his actual birth day (yikes) but I so love my new almost-too-smart-for-his-own-good 6 year old. Details on what makes Alex Alex is coming up next!

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