16 April 2020

Alex's Sixisms

So right off the bat I'll admit that this post is a bit daunting. I always like to post about "what makes the boy the boy" on birthdays, share stats and stories, etc. But Alex is such a complex character that I'm not sure how this is going to come out haha. 

I pulled up Ashton's stats from his 6th birthday post and wouldn't you know, I don't even have to change anything to make them fit Alex! They are literally the same except Alex is an inch shorter.

Height: 47 inches
Weight: 50 pounds (I guess this is unofficial, we didn't have his 6 year old well-visit yet due to the COVID-19 outbreak)
Shoe Size: 13
Clothes size: Really depends on the brand, mostly 6 or 7
Teeth lost: 2 (both middle lowers)\Cavities: 1 (flossing has since commenced)
Bike size: 20 inch

Other notables: Alex has hazel eyes and crazy blond hair. It is his most-commented-on feature.

Breakfast of champions: Raisin Bran. Every day.
"I know how to spell bran. B-I-N."
"So, B-I-N spells bin, Alex."
"Right, that’s what I was trying to spell."

Favorite game: Chess. And this kid can play. More than one unsuspecting adult has lost to him. Like, not on purpose. 

Spirit animal: Cat. At least I think it's a cat? He loves to press the side of his face against mine and then start rubbing his cheek with my cheek. Not unlike the way a cat rubs its body against the bottom of peoples' legs. It's very weird. 

Lovey: Pluto. He still clutches the little stuffed dog we got at Disney World (Pirates of the Caribbean) 3 years ago. 

Would most like for dinner: stromboli

At school: in Kindergarten with Mrs. Gregg. Before CV-19, she reported that he was the star of the class, that everyone wants to be like Alex N. and he loved being at the center of attention. He agreed this was true. 

When he grows up he wants to be: a YouTube sensation. We've had some pretty funny conversations about how people become famous. But Alex loves to record himself, take pictures of himself, and generally has that "showmanship" quality. These are the gems I find on my phone:

He's great with people and is very confident. He strolls around and talks to grown ups like he is their peer. He'll say, for example, "Hey Mark, did you see that play? That was AWESOME." to the dad sitting next to him at the hockey game. Or he'll walk by our neighbor who is just getting out of his truck and say "Hey Jim, how was work today?" Alex just has a funny way of being for a 6 year old. I've gotten texts from moms that volunteer at library about how social he is and how he cracks them up with his stories and attitude, and other parents that constantly comment on how much they love him. He seems to know that they do! And he basks in it. 

Strange talent: He throws a PERFECT football throw. Like, it spirals effortlessly and is like a bullet through the air. He loves to play and if we are tossing it back it forth he'll say "Ok, try and catch THIS arm!" and then hurtle it at me. I correct him and tell him it's a "throw" but he likes to say arm. 

Latest thing that he had to have and has used one time: skateboard

As a brother: Alex is a great sidekick to Ashton. He really does keep up and the two of them get along great :) 

Favorite pasttime: iPad games. Which I hate but he looooooves. The crappy ones with all the ads. UGH. Alex also loves to hug. I mean, ALL.THE.TIME. He still puts his arms up and says "Hug" like a thousand times a day. And sometimes I will have just given him one and he'll say it again. And sometimes I catch myself saying "I can't hug you right now!" as I'm in the middle of something but he'll wait there, and then I feel bad and stoop down. The hugging has been quite amplified now that we are home all day every day together.

There is so much more I think I could say about Alex! But pictures say it better- here are some recent ones that do a pretty good job of capturing him :) Let the year of 6 officially begin! (This post is exactly one month late but we're in isolation over here and not a lot gets done lol)

 (it was not Halloween)

I'll leave you with his latest Lego creation -
"It's a hat store that also sells stuff you can get at Home Depot" :)

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