11 April 2016

Kitchen Demo Day

It's really happening! OMG! As I type this there are several men in my house taking out my kitchen!  eeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEE!!!


Right now:

Sorry it's a little unreal considering we started the process before Christmas. Renovations take a long time to plan! There are so many moving parts in terms of scheduling the contractors/workers, picking things out, placing special orders and whatnot. Countless hours reading reviews, shopping, learning just how much things cost (haha), and worrying about doing it right. We'd stand in the kitchen, walk around, pretend to do things like open the fridge or throw something in the trash - it had to function or we would die trying.

In the meantime, it turns out that not furnishing the foyer was the best thing I ever did, because now we had a whole separate space to create our temporary kitchen. Geographically, this is the pass-through room to get upstairs:

Temporary kitchen:

Jason took down some of the cabinets this weekend for us to use in here before they (and the old fridge) go in the basement. Overall it took me 4.5 hours to move everything out of the kitchen and into either this room or downstairs. I was getting flashbacks of our move here in the first place!

So we have the old microwave, our toaster, coffee maker, and the grill outside. I will still probably be using 5 Guys and Comellas takeout :D
On Wednesday I'm taking the boys to FL for 5 days and hopefully when we get back, a lot of the stuff will be done. All signs so far point to survival (plus, just got good news that we are actually able to vent our hood to the outside, something we did not think possible). Yay!

Speaking of stuff, here's the mood board I created (or, attempted to create) based on the final choices!

We totally know we are going to the "safe and classic" route with the white and gray, but I think it's going to look so pretty. I'm obsessed with our backsplash tile although it won't be in for 10 weeks :-/
Refer to my comment above that everything takes soooo long!

The appliances came today, the electrician comes tomorrow and then the cabinets arrive on Wednesday, pretty much at the exact same time I'll be boarding a plane (solo, did I mention?) with the boys.

We are officially..

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