18 August 2014

Don't blink or you'll miss it!

Alex just turned four months old...*blink*...oh wait, you mean he's five months old?! What just happened? Some sort of magic trick that eats time for breakfast? Seriously it has a been a finger-snap since I last posted about his age. Right??

[Recovering from shock.]
[Let's start again.]

Alex just turned five months old. I have no stats because there is no pediatrician appointment until September, but he's bigger, fatter and heavier than he's ever been ;) I shouldn't say fat. We all know muscle weighs more than fat and that's what this kid has. Muscles. From bouncing <--- That's a YouTube video where of course (you guessed it) nothing happens.

I swear it is all he does. Maybe because that's where I always put him (haha). But seriously, you touch his thigh and you can totally feel the strength underneath all that fat I mean muscle.

Besides dispelling the notion that white men can't jump, the other big news this month is that Alex officially wants nothing to do with sitting in a reclined position. Which means, buh-bye swing and buh-bye bouncer (technically, it's the Baby Bjorn Babysitter Balance. What's with me and the links to my favorite baby products lately? Is anyone paying me for this advertisement? No. But anyway, do yourself a favor, note the astronomical, completely unjustified price and get a used one. The seat is worth it. Oh, but don't come home without the wooden toy bar that goes with it.) Anyway, Alex spends most of his time in the jumper and the rest of it in the Baby Einstein. All this is to say, he's upright and working on his mobility. It's actually really funny, when he is put down in a reclined position (including his carseat) he fusses and tries to sit up, which results in something that resembles baby crunches. If babies did crunches.

Alex celebrated his five month birthday on a walk around Fresh Pond, which was actually meant for his older brother who needed to scooter something fierce. Alex seemed to know this and fell asleep.

And then later on, we got out the trains. Ummm, also an activity meant for his older brother. But he was a good sport about it.

If Alex were a Ben and Jerry's ice cream flavor, he'd be "Milk and Cookies". Warm, comfortable, and sweet. Smells good too. (Ashton on the other hand..."Coffee, Coffee, Buzzbuzzbuzz!" He'll wake you up without a second thought and keep you there!)

What else about Alex at five months? Overall he's doing great (not sleeping through the night, but that's okay)  and every day he is more aware of the world. He wants to grab absolutely everything and stick it in his mouth, including grocery carts and my ponytail. Silly Alex. I hope that doesn't mean that teeth are on the horizon. He was just born for pete's sake!

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