06 August 2013

2 years old!

We've come a long way since age 1. Last year's birthday was such a blow out it took three whole posts to document it all. This year, due to said blow out, I planned a party for me, Jason and Ashton. That's it. Because Jason had to work on Saturday, Ashton's actual birthday, we celebrated it on Sunday. Besides eating breakfast in front of some cartoons and walking around with no pants on, Saturday was nothing crazy.

But SUNDAY was! Woo! We had a few different present opening sessions (in the morning: new trains from Chera!):

And in the afternoon, we took a drive out to Honey Pot Hill Farms in Stow, MA. It was the most darling little farm ever. We got lemonade slushies, went to see the animals...
And then headed out to pick some blueberries. This proved to be difficult in the beginning. The first patch did not have very many ripe ones and Ashton was eating them about as fast as we could pick.
But we got the hang of it and after walking a little further out, filled up our quart in no time.

The best part is that when we got home, I used the berries to decorate the from-scratch egg-free cake that I had made. It wasn't the prettiest, a little sunken and lopsided on the top, but I know it tasted great because I made it in a 9x13, then cut and stacked it, and had a few sample bits left over ;) Also, the density was perfect ifidosaysomyself. (Ifidontsaysomyself?)
Well we ran into a small problem. Ashton wanted absolutely nothing to do with this cake. I mean, ran the other direction when I brought it out. Jason and I were completely perplexed! I cut him some small cubes, I gave him his fork, I tried to get him to put his fingers in the frosting...no freaking way. ?!?!? The only thing I can think of is that he is currently obsessed with hot things. He requests "Hot toast!" for breakfast (uh, and lunch, and dinner- he gets so excited about toast):

and when we read stories that have pictures of fireplaces or birthday candles he holds his hands over the page and says "Hah-hah" for "hot hot!". He's also famous for what I like to call "the flamingo". This is when I plop him in the bathtub and he immediately lifts one leg all the way up, says "hah-hah" and then stands there balancing until I say "It's ok, it's not hot." Then he will put his other foot down and we can go on with the show.

So who knows, maybe he saw the real candle flames and was afraid? And it's actually my fault because I always say when things are hot in pictures and that we don't touch? I also have told him that we stay away from bees because they are very busy smelling flowers and can hurt us if we make them mad. I didn't count on him generalizing and now he thinks every small buzzing insect is a bee. He started panicking the other day when there was a fly in the house and ran around saying "Bee! Bee!" So I need to figure that out. But I have no idea if he is allergic to bee stings and really don't want to find out.

Anyway, back to the birthday. We facetimed with Grandma and Grandpa while we sang and opened a couple cards and books, and then it was time for the present de resistance. Two big construction trucks. He would sleep with these things if he could - he loves anything that is in the dump truck, backhoe, bulldozer or tractor family and makes all the corresponding whirring sounds when he plays.
And that was about it! Oh, and then he fell asleep like this.

Have you guys had it yet? I'll save the rest for Two: Part Two. I guess I had more to say than I thought!

p.s. I am not one of those people that looks good without mascara. I'm just not. Anyway, wanted you to know that I know. I've been lazy lately :-/

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