09 November 2016

See you in April (Bemoaning Daylight Saving or Savings or whatever!!)

Well, we've gone and done it. We've turned the clocks back which, as any mother will attest, spells doom. NOT ONLY do the playground trips and bike rides after work cease entirely, but all of a sudden we have newly minted "early risers". It's a vicious cycle because, at least with my kids, after it has been dark for 3 hours I am ready to put them to bed, even though it is barely 7:15. Kids only need so much sleep, so 6:00 am and BAM! Loud mouth breathing straight into your face by two expectant children wearing dinosaur pajamas. Long gone are the 8:30 pm - 7:30 am days. The darkness shifts everything earlier because there is flat out NOTHING TO DO. For months.

But we've had a few things going on in the three days since this catastrophe. Jason and I hit the Giants game on Sunday with Evan and Kaelyn and Chera and Eric. It was a bright sunny day (but I had a zillion layers on) and perfect for tailgating and football!

We left the boys with Grandma and Grandpa allllllll daaaaaaaaay (insert fireworks and cheering). Actually it was funny, on Sunday morning Jason and I were heading out, packing up the final car stuff and Alex came running over to me. I bent down because I thought he wanted a goodbye hug, but he pushed me and said "Go 'way Mommy!"  I was like geez, I'm going, I'm going! I guess the feeling was mutual ;) But the boys got to go to McDonald's for lunch, on the big carousel in Greenport, and spent time with their cousin Owen who they love. Bedtime songs with Grandma:

The Giants game turned out to be an important one (who knew?) and they won, so everyone was quite happy.

We rolled on home on Monday and Jason started up on the dining room built-ins...

Things are looking good. Our new dining room table got delivered today, FINALLY! I have only been waiting for ten weeks. Thanksgiving is around the corner and that is our deadline to get this all ship shape and magazine-like. [The (temporary) salvation with the time change is that you're distracted by all the holiday stuff coming up. I don't become suicidal until January.]

And then of course, yesterday was election day. I was at the polls at 7:03 am and it was hoppin'! I got my sticker, took an obligatory selfie, told Facebook I voted and went off to work.

Today I woke up to discover that we picked Donald Trump to be our next president. I really have nothing further to say about that except he will be in office the next time we change the clocks. There is a lot to survive between now and then (and of course, in the next 4 years overall). But, one season at a time.

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