08 September 2016

LDW 2016

Labor Day weekend had its ups and downs this year. There are a lot of holidays like this where we really have no plans due to Jason's work schedule but luckily, the boys and I were able to stay busy! And enjoy the weather; it was absolutely lovely. Heading into the weekend everyone was squawking that Hermine was going to dump all kinds of rain on us, but it held off until Monday evening. We spent all three days outside, beginning with:

1) the Home Depot kids workshop. This is a regularly scheduled thing on the first Saturday of every month, a drop in event from 9-12. It's always on my calendar but we have never gone...until NOW! The project was "back to school whiteboards" and they had all the paint, tools and supplies out...the sound of all the hammers going was deafening.

Naturally I had to do most of it and my fingers and hands were stuck together with wood glue, but voila! 

A closer look at Ashton's masterpiece shows his name written completely backwards.

Perhaps our "let's wait another year for kindergarten" decision was a good one haha.

2) Wayland Town Beach part 1. We went after naps and were the only ones there!

It was really warm out so it was nicer than it looked.

3) Sunday brought some errands with Jason and nothing really picture-worthy. After he left for work, I took the boys to Toys R Us and we bought remote control boats. Pause for effect.

After loading them with one zillion batteries, it was time for Wayland Town Beach part 2. Alex's boat crapped out almost immediately and we had to launch a rescue mission.

Ashton actually succeeded in pushing it back to the dock where, bizarrely, Alex kept kissing it.

Like, what a relief that his non-functioning $14.99 boat had been saved!

But Ashton's little yacht was solid and kept him busy for an hour. There were several "THIS IS SO AWESOME"'s and lots of jumping up and down :)

So that was Sunday.

4) When we woke up on Monday Jason was already gone so we hit a new (to us) playground in Framingham called Cushing Park. I wish I had known to bring bikes or scooters, there were huge wide paths and the play area was really neat.

I wish I had gotten more time out of this place but when the boys decided they were ready for a snack, that was it because we had to walk all the way back to the car. So there they were, in their carseats chomping away and it was about 11 am and I thought "Sigh. Now what?"

5) The what became...Honeypot! We went back for more blueberries because why not, we're crazy.

 I knew the season was just about over, and we could have done apples, but there is plenty of time for apples still. Plus if I'm out in an orchard I need to have my sweater and boots on and it needs to be slightly chilly and feel like fall. It just does.

Alex, again, just ate and ate. He got right down to it.

Reminds me of someone...

Anyway, the usual pics...

until Alex grabbed my phone and took a few of his own! These are the ones that weren't of the ground, his foot, or my butt.

It was a no makeup day for me, as you can likely tell.

My little farmers:

Ashton and I turned the blueberries into muffins when we got home/while Alex napped.

6) Jason got home around 4 pm on Monday and, drumroll please, it was time for the weekend's encore. It looked like this! No training wheels!

Yesterday afternoon I put Alex in the toddler seat and rode with him on my bike right behind Ashton, loops and loops around the neighborhood. We had so much fun! And I thought, my gosh, I have a five year old who is riding a bike! Whaaaaaaat! I think I know what I'll be doing a lot of this fall...

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