16 September 2016

Happy half birthday to Alex!

Alexander Michael is 2.5 today! Let's talk about him :)

Alex is very spunky and happy, except when he's not, and then things are very, very bad. He is either smiling, laughing and goofing off or crying and whining. He's always been like that. But I'll tell you, you cannot beat smiling/laughing/goofing off Alex. He is a little charmer.

As far as stats go, I don't have any height/weight info, but he's really getting heavy. Like, I-can-no-longer-comfortably-hold-him-and-walk-very-far heavy. He's in a solid 3T for clothes, just graduated to a size NINE sneaker, wears a size 6 diaper and climbs out of his crib on the regular. Who is this gargantuan kid?

First tattoo: Batman, left forearm.

Skillz: He can scooter and poop on the potty. Not at the same time.

Chipped teeth: 1 (of mysterious origin)

Toy obsession: Magnatiles. It's actually incredible how much he plays with these. He's not so much in to the trains like Ashton was, then again those are all in the basement now that I think about it.

Big brother Ashton: "AH-tee"

Favorite word: "Me."
Second favorite word: "No."

Favorite phrase: "No Mommy. Me, me, ME!"
Most often heard: any time I try and do something for him. Which is often.

Other "words": water is "WAH-wee", open is "OH-pee", dogs are all puppies or "PAW-bees", bunnies are "hop hops", Legos are "woe woes", swords are "hi-YAHs", ketchup is "tup-tup"...some of his other phrases are impossible to even write out how he makes them sound haha. He still has EI once a week and speech every other week, but he's really not making much progress. He does try, very much so, but a lot of it is barely understandable even by us. He has his 1 year EI evaluation next month so it will be interesting to see what they propose.

Currently attends; Miss Tammy's Playschool, 2 mornings per week

Favorite foods: honestly this depends a lot on whether he is hungry or not. But he will most always eat a hot dog (or something resembling a hot dog, like sausage or kielbasa), and garlic bread. He loves garlic bread. Who doesn't.

Looking forward to: a big boy bed. He loves to lay in Ashton's, they play "bedtime" and turn off the lights, say shhhhh and close eyes. Which is funny, because real bedtime is nothing like that. Joke's on me.

Mostly likely found: wherever Ashton is, or close behind.

Best friend: this is a tie between Addie, the 18th month old that lives on the corner of our street (I think because he can say her name, conveniently also "AH-tee"), and Kayleigh, our 9 year old next door neighbor. Here he is trying to woo her at dinner.

Kayleigh also happens to be Ashton's love interest. I don't see this being a problem at all. You know, later on.

Sleep: I always shoot for an 8 pm bedtime, but after all the nonsense involved it's usually 8:30 pm along with Ashton. He still takes naps in the afternoons.

Signature "handshake": a fist bump for the right hand and a high five for the left hand, done simultaneously.

Bet you didn't know: Jason and I considered naming him Ames. I didn't give Jason the green light and so we settled/chickened out and named him Alexander. We've regretted it ever since. If we thought it was a reasonable thing to do, we'd change it. But it's not.

Hopes and dreams: presidency of the Clean Plate Club

A lofty aspiration, considering his brother also eats everything in sight.

That about covers Alex's highlights at the ripe old age of two and a half. On to three! But not too fast :)

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