08 September 2014

Goodbye Summer

Looking back on all my photos from the past few months, one thing is clear: the boys and I, we had some adventures! If we weren't on a walk, swimming, or at a farm, we were eating ice cream, at a playground or at the beach. Ashton did so much scootering and biking that he had his helmet on for most of July and August. I was lucky enough to work part-time until the official "back to school" season that we are now in, so things have been crazy with all the change in routine (hence the lack of blog posts!). I finally got a chance to look through my summer pictures and what follows is a "small" glimpse of how much fun we had together: dinners outside, concerts, sticky hands, big bugs, playtime with friends...Ashton wore his Crocs down to almost nothing and was often so dirty that I cheated and gave him a bath while he was in the backyard pool. That's a good summer right there.

As fun as the summer was, I'm looking forward to fall and getting into a set schedule. I think we have it mostly figured out between Ashton's days at preschool, who picks up and drops off, my 2 half-days a week from work, Jason taking one weekday off, and our nanny to fill in the gaps. I felt like I needed some algorithmic software or something to write out our calendar just for September. So it's "back into the swing of things" as they say!

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