28 April 2014

6 Weeks PP

Well I am officially 6 weeks PP (that's "postpartum" for the layperson). I motored on over Newton-Wellesley this morning for my final followup appointment. Honestly, I was feeling pretty good about myself. I've been in non-maternity jeans for awhile now and even though things are still pretty squishy under there, I get a lot of compliments at how I look considering I've "just" had a baby.

Not so fast, Kristen, not so fast.

So there I am in the waiting room and my name is called. They take my blood pressure and ask me to step on the scale. I said, "You really make women do this after only six weeks?" like half-jokingly. I wasn't worried until the scale registered my poundage. 140, which is still a solid 10 pounds from where I started. Hmmm. This was...unexpected. Listen, I have the sense to know that the reason some of my old clothes don't fit isn't because they shrunk in the dryer. But I didn't think I was that far off.

I glanced over at the nurse who was looking at my chart, comparing the numbers and realizing what I had just realized. 

"You'd be surprised how many women at back at their fighting weight by this appointment," she said. It should be noted that "like you" or any other words that would imply my inclusion were not added. Humpf. I could say that I came home and did not have a brownie after lunch, but that would be a lie. I guess I'm hoping the last 10 pounds will magically take care of themselves. Because that happens, right? ;)

Alex is about 80% better that he was last week. He still has trouble with mucous sometimes and it drives me crazy because I just want to say "Cough!" so he will clear it. Instead he just rasps and I find myself coughing FOR him haha. Poor baby. He also still keeps me up all night with his grunting and farm animal noises. Jason finally slept in the guest room last night because I told him at least one of us should get some sleep. What else...results from dairy elimination are unclear. This is likely due to my relapse when we were in the hospital so I've had to start all over. But is this the reason for the nighttime discomfort and resulting noises? According to my baby sleep book (Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child - I swear by it), fussiness and crying peaks at 6 weeks of age. So the answer is, who the heck knows. But also at this age, I should start to get four to six hour sleep stretches at night from Alex so anytime he wants to show me this is fine. Anytime at all, really :)

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