03 May 2013

21 months

That's one and three quarters, for the layperson.

Usually at the nice round numbers of age, we have a pediatrician appointment and I can report all the new stats. But not this time folks - go ahead and lean back in those seats. We are on a long stretch without any well-visits and Ashton doesn't go again until 24 months (two, for the layperson). I'm no expert, but I think this is pretty accurate:

Height: tall
Weight: heavy
Teeth: lots
Head: hard

That about sums it up. Oh, and if anyone wants to buy him anything, he's a 2T (3T pajama) and size 7 shoe.

Here's what else 21 months looks like around here:

Biggest challenge: It's a tie, between being not quite counter height and staying awake during lunch.

Alias: Pigpen. This kid gets DIRTY (see cheeks above right) and has ripped two pairs of pants in the past week. He also likes to use his hair as a napkin during mealtimes.

Favorite word: TITS. He means, of course, "grapes".

Most improved skill: teeth brushing. He used to thrash, whine and jerk his head away when I tried to do it. Now he goes and gets the stool, climbs on, and holds the toothbrush under the water before putting in his mouth and chewing on it licking it "brushing". In another couple of weeks he will have all his teeth in except for his 2 year molars. Pearly whites!

Obsession: belly buttons. His, mine, yours. They are fascinating.

Most likely found at: the top of the slide.

Record number of "Buh byes": 5. Now, when a little toddler tells you "Buh bye!" you can't not echo the sentiment. You have to say it back otherwise you're just rude. The problem is, Ashton will keep repeating it and he trapped our poor neighbor last night into saying it FIVE times. I dragged him from the sidewalk, up the front steps and then through the door and it was like this the entire way:

Ashton: "Buh bye!" (waving)
Neighbor: "Bye Ashton!" (waving back)
Ashton: "Bye!"
Neighbor: "Goodbye!"
Ashton: "mmmm bye!"
Neighbor: "Bye! Good night!"
Ashton: "Buh byyyye..."
Neighbor: "Bye bye."
Ashton: "BYE! Buh bye!"
Neighbor: "[haha] Okay! Buh bye, yes! Buh bye." (still waving, by the way)
Ashton: "Bye..." (ALSO still waving until I finally shut the door behind us and cut him off. Phew. He said it one more time when I put him down and then ran off to find his cars. Longest goodbye ever.

Versions of the word "No": 8. (Most popular: "NOOOOOOoo" with a gradual descent in tone. I don't know if you've heard, but things are rarely satisfactory around here.)

Biggest "When did you get so big?" moment: It's time to get a potty. In the last month, when he goes, 75% of the time he will come find you and say "Poo-poo!" and he knows it is time for a diaper change. Earlier this week we were getting ready for his tubby and he kept tugging at his diaper and saying it. I said, "But Ashton, you haven't gone yet - there isn't any poo-poo in there." He persisted, pulling his diaper and then:

"Ashton, do you have to GO poo-poo?? Right now? OMG!" So I stripped him and perched him on the toilet like as fast as I could. He smiled. I held him there for a full minute, waiting and literally composing my text to Jason in my head that Ashton had gone on the potty and then, obviously, he didn't go. Oh well. But he looked so proud to be up there. This has happened one more time since then and you can tell he thinks sitting on the toilet is a HUGE adventure. The joke might be on me. But I still can't believe that we are approaching such a big kid thing.

Worst meal: Dinner. Conveniently the one that Jason misses 5 nights a week. I don't know what it is, but dinner isn't enough. This kid wants dinner and a show. Or some kind of entertainment. Unless his food is hidden in something, presented in a new container, grouped by color or in a sauce, he won't eat it. And his preferences change daily. Most days I throw the kitchen sink at him because I never know what will win him over.

If you asked me what Ashton ate for dinner, I'd say: "Well, some watermelon, but only after he stacked the halved grapes on top. A quarter of an avocado, but only when it was scooped directly out of the skin, and with a spoon NOT a fork. Cottage cheese, out of the original container, with a fork NOT a spoon. Some beef and cheese quesadilla - just the pieces that had salsa on them. The ones that touched the sour cream or were plain he threw on the floor. Oh, and a sharp piece of potato chip. That he used to spear the pieces of the quesadilla that only had salsa on them. No fork or spoon for that, JUST the chip. Lastly, some string cheese, that he ate as long as he had a piece in each hand. Always a piece for each hand. And water of course, in the blue sippy. Like I would consider the green one. Until tomorrow, when everything I just said will be reversed."

Sigh: He has now joined the 3 billion other males out there that know where their penis is. I'd say I'm so proud but they are the only ones that think they deserve a medal for this.

Ad Nauseum Book: Collection of Nursery Rhymes featuring Mickey Mouse. This will become Ashton's second book club book - stand by.

Biggest procrastination: I own this one. The great PACIFIER PHASEOUT PLAN has commenced. Pacis in cribs only, for sleepy time. But this kid can whine me to death and I have been known to break my own rules. This is going to be very tough, in all seriousness. Ashton goes to sleep and wakes up with a paci in his mouth and one in each hand. Yikes. My head keeps saying, "He's too big for a paci!" but my heart responds, "He's still a baby!" :-/

So, somewhere between a baby and a big kid, this has been the 21 month report. Busy as always. xo

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