03 September 2014

Off we go!

I think the sign is pretty self-explanatory, but for the official record, today is Ashton's first day at Belmont Nursery School! In some weird way, I feel like I've made it. Through the baby years and the toddler years to having a real kid. Granted, he's only there three mornings a week and pickup is at 12, but it really marks the beginning a new era. School!! It's crazy. Shockingly, I didn't cry at dropoff but not to worry: Ashton wailed enough for both of us. I knew I had it coming, he repeated "I don't want to go to schooooooool" about a hundred times on the way over. My eventual response, after trying to reassure him, talk about his new friends, the toys they had, etc. was "Well, too bad. You're going!"

We've been talking about school for awhile now. We have library books about it and have found ways to work it into our conversations. Ashton was hugely bummed when he found out he would not be riding a school bus. That was the first question he asked when he started to *get it* that he would be going. Sorry buddy.

I wonder what he is doing right this minute. Snack? Circle time? It's such a completely different thing than leaving him at daycare. He's there to start officially learning ABC's and 123's. In case you can't tell, I'm in a mild state of disbelief.

Anyway, here are the obligatory "first day" photos!

I'm aware that my pants are white and it's after Labor Day. It feels so much like summer still that I felt it was justified, ok?

But this post isn't about my pants. It's about Ashton - congrats on your first day of school honey!! xoxoxo

(Oh, fun fact: his backpack is empty! I had to put diapers and spare clothes in a bin for his cubby, but I mean, it's school. How could he not wear one? So it's just for show ;) )

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