24 September 2014

6 months of Alex

My little Alexander Michael is 6 months old! And totally coming into his own. He has the best little personality, is happy and excitable, and I love watching him learn and grow. There have been a lot of changes even since 5 months, most notably that he sits up unassisted now and is interested in all kinds of toys.

Ashton is very wary of this new skill and watches certain things of his very closely.

It used to be that I would play with Ashton while Alex was in the bouncy seat or napping, but now he is always right there, getting in on the action.

Haha lol that last picture cracks me up.

Alex is also eating solids regularly now for lunch and dinner, which, besides even more sticky messes in the kitchen than there previously was, has resulted in two things.

1) The good news: mealtimes with his brother are super fun

2) The bad news: constipation. I have to feed him prunes and he ends up with some unfortunate-looking lipliner.

But plum is a legit fall color so at least his style is seasonally appropriate. Anyway, besides the cosmetics, here's the latest with Alex:

Weight: 20 pounds 5 ounces (this is 85th or 95th percentile, Jason couldn't remember. Typical ;) ) But in toto, Alex is a butterball.
Height: 27.6 inches (85th percentile)
Head: 17.25 inches (60th percentile)
Shots: Dtap-IPV-HiB (Pentacel), PCV-13, RotaTeq and part 1 of 2 for the flu
Ashton calls him: All-yex
Diapers: I've squeezed him into the last of the 3's. Today is his first day in a 4 and I also finally bought some overnights because man can this kid pee. 
Clothes: 9 months (soon to be 12) or 6-12 months, depending on brand
Foods: Apples, peaches, pears, bananas, sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, peas (not a fan), oatmeal and baby mum-mums. Oh, and the prunes. Can't forget those.
Bottles: 3 six ouncers per day while I am at work.
Naps: usually 2, from 9-10:30 and again from 1-3 on an ideal day. Bedtime between 6 and 7 pm.
Sleeping: still up 2-4 times per night, up for the day between 6:45 – 7:30 am. He wears his magic merlin suit for naps but a sleepsack at night so he can roll on his side.
Teeth: none, and drooling comes and goes
Hair: wiry and mohawk-ish just like Ashton's was. We've had to trim around his ears ;)
And not to compare him to his brother, but: Ashton was shorter and lighter by 2 pounds! 
Rolling: yes, both ways, but infrequently
Sitting up: Yes. 
Smiles: endless

So while everything points to getting bigger, he still does baby things like falling asleep while we are out for a walk.

Thank god, because it's all going very fast. Happy six months to my little piece of heaven. xoxoxo Alex!

Sorry for all the pictures on this one. Clearly, I can't help myself.

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