17 September 2014

Do you want to build a birdhouuuuuuuse?

If you've seen Frozen, the title of this post is a play on the first song of the movie. If you haven't seen it...well, we can move on.

This post is one of those posts that I post when I have nothing else to post about. Ha ha.

So, a few weeks ago we went and got a nice little build-your-own-birdhouse kit. Jason had wanted to put one together with Ashton so that's exactly what they did while Alex and I cheered them on (not really).

To be honest, it got a little boring to watch. There were a lot of screws so eventually Jason just broke out the drill. Look at the determination on Ashton's face - his little jaw means business!

Once assembly was complete, time to paint. 

Being the good neighbors that we are, we walked right over and nailed it into the tree next door. The one that doesn't belong to us. See it there, on the left behind the fence?

Up close it's truly a work of art.

Who wouldn't want this on their property, is what we thought.

Sadly, it is still uninhabited. Perhaps I need to give these birds some incentive because I don't want Ashton to feel that his birdhouse failed.

Oh who am I kidding. The minute there's a nest in there I'll probably be just as excited as he is. Parenting has changed my entertainment bar considerably.

Ashton loves to build in general and his favorite thing is when it's time for him and Daddy to get out the tools for a project. (This is a segway into the next part, which begins with my admission that I lied in my last post. Ashton was not entirely in his big boy bed and I knew it was because his crib was still in his room. Given the choice, he'd always choose to sleep there instead of his bed, so it was cold turkey time.)

Last night, the crib officially came down (to be moved into Alex's room shortly). I asked Ashton if he wanted to help Daddy do it and thank the sweet lord in heaven, he nodded and said, "Yeah!"

Here are the before and afters:

Overall the room feels much less crowded with stuff.

Ashton had been napping in his bed but had never slept through the night in it, so we had a big first last night. He got out once at 11:30 pm but I put him right back, had my usual two wake ups with Alex and then at 5:30 am, I heard some thumps. Thumps are never good. Someone's either breaking in or your kid is not where he is supposed to be.

I rolled over and checked the monitor. Nope, Ashton was not in his bed. I toggled over to Alex's camera and yep, there was Ashton. He had switched on the light, pulled clothes out of Alex's drawers and it appeared he was attempting to get him dressed. No, no, no, no no. I raced in and to my dismay, Alex was laying there wide awake, smiling. I marched Ashton back to his crib, told him the light was still yellow (we got this clock for him that switches from yellow to green when it is "Ok to wake" - it's set to 7 am) and under no circumstances was I to hear a peep until that light was green!!! He cried but stayed put. I will be putting a gate in front of his door, pronto.

Luckily I was able to get Alex back to sleep and Ashton actually had to be woken up at 7:30 am to get ready for school, which is a huge change. Usually he is up around 6-6:30 am, watches the clock and when it is time, he will yell, "IT'S GREEN MOMMY! DADDY, IT'S GREEN! MOMMY! DADDY! IT'S GREEEEEEEN!" and the whole block is up. Between that and the trespassing birdhouse, our neighbors love us ;)

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