20 August 2012

Mama's got a brand new job

Quick update post on my search for employment: it seems I have managed to get myself hired! I am starting at Bentley University on Tuesday, September 4th. My official title is Executive Academic Coordinator in the office of the Dean of Arts and Sciences. There are several Academic Coordinators under me in each of the departments and besides some general office-like stuff, I am responsible for the training and professional development for the other Academic Coordinators and then the best part, all of the event planning for the school of Arts and Sciences and the Dean. Woo! So there's a pretty long list of things that make up my job description but all in all, it's perfect. My commute is super short (there's one light along the way that's it! If it's green, 4 minutes total, red, 6 minutes.) That was the most important factor for me, to be close to Ashton. I already have visions of having Jason come with him on my lunch break so we can eat together :) And the days that Jason is working, my super wonderful amazing friend Chera is going to watch him. I have already told her that I am not sure how I would have survived this year without her and now she's doing us this huge favor. You've seen her son Owen (20 months) pictured on this blog before. Here we are at Ashton's first birthday party:

And here are the boys, such great little buddies.

They seem to share a love for leftover ice in party coolers. So it's perfect. I feel really good about it. :)

Now I have two weeks left of whatever you can call the last year of my life- full time parenting? No doubt a huge change and I am certain it hasn't fully sunk in yet. I am excited about this first step in the next direction of our lives (hopefully a house is next) but sad that considering Ashton is doing new things every day now, there are some wonderful moments I am going to miss.

Anyway, that's the update. If you want to start wishing me luck, now would not be too early :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Congratulations on a big step! And welcome to the wonderful world of education :)
