28 August 2012

12 months - Part 3 (Final installment)

I think I've beaten 12 months to death by this point. Regardless, I took Ashton to his 12 month pedi appointment yesterday and thought I'd share his latest stats. He weighs 25.2 pounds (91st percentile) and is 30.5 inches long (62nd percentile). I suppose I should lose the word "long" and replace it with "tall" now that he stands and walks. They take his height laying down so who knows. Who cares. 30.5 inches from head to toe - there.

Unlike past monthly milestone visits, Ashton did not sit nicely in his carseat or in my lap. (He has graduated to a convertible carseat which stays in the car, no more schlepping! So I carried him in.) Instead, he had lots of fun taking the roll of paper that lives at the end of the exam room bed and flinging the crinkly goodness all over the place. I wish I had taken a "before our appointment" and "after our appointment" picture. Hurricane Ashton (or TRex Ashton, or bulldozer Ashton, whatever you prefer) definitely left his mark.

Besides walking, Ashton loves to be read to. He will actually bring me a book and hold it out expectantly. I also have to pretend I've never seen a feather, or a stick, or a kernel of corn, or whatever he finds that he thinks is so unbelievable he has to reach out and show me. I express oodles of excitement over his treasures and he smiles and has started to clap. No waving or pointing yet. Still in size 4 diapers but they are a squeeze so he'll be in 5's soon. And today we bought him his first pair of real shoes. Little brown stride rites and they are adorable. And I mean obviously, Ashton hates wearing them. Of course he hates it, I spent more money on his shoes than I spend on mine! Where's the justice? Also, if you want to know what will test a marriage, I'll tell you: walk into a Keds/Stride Rite outlet store with your husband and baby on a weekday during their back-to-school, buy-one-get-one-half-off sale. Let's just say we weren't the only ones there and leave it at that.

What else. Oh, how about a quick look at the Ashton dictionary.

"Da": interpreted as "look", "yes", "ok" or "cool!"
"Da?": "Da" with a slight intonation. Implies uncertainty or confusion.
"Da da": the obvious. "Dad". (such BS)
"Daaaaa da": expression of wonderment.
"Da da da da da": general babbling sequence. Could mean "Tate, come back here!" or "Did you see that article in the Globe on circumcision?" or "I'd like to visit Hawaii." Wouldn't we all Ashton, wouldn't we all.

That's the abridged version but more or less what we're working with. This is the same guy who thinks it's funny to spit out all his food after he has chewed it. We have a ways to go.

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