21 November 2019

Halloween 2019

So Halloween at ages 5 and 8 happened and here is the skinny.

In the pumpkin department: 
The usual scooping out of the guts and all that. Alex commanded me to do a skull and crossbones and I modeled mine after my favorite emoji.

I didn't do too bad! Jason and Ashton did pointy teeth AGAIN. That's all they ever do - have some creativity, sheesh.

In the costume department:
For a long time Alex wanted to be a parrot. Parrot as in the bird and if this choice is a mystery to you, well, same. But then after about a month he was like, "Now I want to be a vending machine. I will walk around and pass out snacks." Well that was sufficiently funny so I said fine. But it turns out making a vending machine costume is no small feat so on the weekend before Halloween, Jason took both boys to Party City in hopes of inspiration/diversion from the parrot and the vending machine.

Now, this whole time Ashton was easy because he was just going to wear his football uniform and go as, you guessed it, a football player. But he scored himself a funny wig at Party City and Alex, oh Alex. He came home with an <adult sized> zombie hunter outfit that was basically a vest wrapped with faux bullets, camo pants and a bloody ax. He was so happy. Me on the other hand? Well there was no way he could wear that to school - like the principal would have called me (no violent costumes).

And so, on the day of the Halloween parade, Alex had to wear a hand-me-down ninja and he was, shall we say, quite grumpy.

Up close, that's:

By the time we saw him for the K parade at school though it was all smiles.

And then the rest of the day was sort of, like, crazy smooth?! Grandma and Grandpa came up, the kids got off the bus, and our usual crew (Elijah and Crosby) went out to trick or treat.

There was a little mayhem afterwards with the sorting, trading, and inventory, but when I told the boys they could not eat more than three pieces they said "Ok Mommy, no problem" and didn't protest their 8:30 bedtime. Not going to lie, I pinched myself haha.

So yeah ummm that's pretty much it lol. No severe maniacal behavior or candy craziness in 2019! I wonder if that will carry over into the Christmas season, we shall see... :)

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