31 March 2019

Alex is FIIIIIVE! Part 2

If you call Qtips "Q-sticks", making a basket "getting a hole in one" and calculators "calcalaters", you're Alex Nill and you're five! Let's discuss.

Alex is, before anything else, a little fresh and audacious. He loves to joke around but he's got this edge to him sometimes and he can be super moody. If anyone triggers the eggshell walking in our family, it's Alex. Although at his parent-teacher conference a couple weeks ago, Mrs. Bernard told me "Well, we just love Alex. He's the sweetest, kindest, funniest boy! He's friends with everyone, he shares, he's thoughtful, he takes turns being a leader and a follower, and he focuses on whatever we give him for work/projects, etc. We will be sad to see him leave for kindergarten! You know, he's basically perfect." So, hmmm. I'm glad he's great in his school environment and is only temperamental at home haha.

So what else about Alex besides his school review. He graduated from speech - he had been going once a week to Lilja for 2 years to get services for articulation. At his IEP meeting in March, we all determined he had met his goals and that was that!

Another huge development is that he's up on his bike now - no more training wheels! Video footage -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbC1XMS1z8g&feature=youtu.be (no sound, no idea why)
He's still too afraid to get on the bigger (more properly sized) bike but hey, one step at a time :)

Yet another huge development is that Ashton and Alex now roll around the neighborhood together without me. They take off to see their friends or to the circle where the good climbing trees are...it's an unbelievable turning point that a lot of the other neighborhood kids their age are getting to as well. The first time I told them they could go out on their scooters by themselves, they nearly bubbled over with the excitement of it all.

Anyway, let's get to Alex's stats!

Hair: Blond and wiry. You can mold it pretty much however you want and it stays there.

Eyes: Hazel
Height: 45.5 inches (3' 9.5") -> 92nd percentile
Weight: 48.5 pounds -> 89th percentile
Hearing and Vision: Pass and Pass
Shots: DTap/IPV and MMRV
Shoe size: 12
Clothes size: 5, some 6
Bedtime: 8:30 pm
Favorite snack: Larabars

Lovey: Pluto.

Pluto was a Disney World souvenir from the Pirates of the Caribbean gift shop. Two years ago. Who would have thought.

Favorite TV show: Garfield. Alex loves Garfield so much that the other night I made lasagna for dinner (Garfield's favorite food). Alex rated it "medium".

Loves listening to: Drake and DJ Snake (Turn down for what)

Dream job: YouTube channel host. Alex LOVES to record himself and play it back. He could watch videos of himself forever. Sometimes I'm flipping through my camera roll and find surprise pictures and videos he has taken on selfie mode. He always wants me to record him while he tells me what he is doing (like this one, when he tells you how to eat a stuffed shell on a piece of toast, and this one, where he teaches some kind of dance). He turns into this weird character, like "yeah man, today we are going to _____" and I know it's because of the shows on YouTube kids he watches. Somewhat alarming.

Speaking of technology: Alex gets it. He doesn't let a little thing like not being able to read or write stop him from using iPads or iPhones, let me tell you. The other night he was pestering me to put on the song du jour in our house (see above) and because I was cooking I couldn't type it in on Apple Music. I kept saying "I will in a minute Alex, hold on" and finally, annoyed, he threw his hands up and said "WHY CAN'T WE JUST GET ALEXA?" And then grabbed my phone, held down the home button, and said "Siri, play the Drake song In My Feelings." And she did as he sauntered off.
As I said, Alex has an attitude lately. He's also not afraid to tell you when he's bored or if he finds something boring. I swear, Jason and I are left just standing there sometimes. 

School: Alex is wrapping up at CNS in May. He's all registered for Kindergarten in the fall and he's sooo ready.

In fact if there were any real time left in this school year I might up him from 3 days to 5 days - he's pretty under-stimulated on Tuesdays and Thursdays when he's home and that's when we see the attitude the most.

Sports: Alex wrapped up a successful hockey season (well, skills clinic) in March.

In swimming he has the beginnings of a front crawl down pat and he absolutely cannot wait for his Little Laxers lacrosse clinic to start this spring.

Brotherly love: For the most part, Ashton and Alex are BFFs. Ashton is excited about pretty much everything in life and it passes easily on to Alex. They are honestly happy coloring a box together.

They play and play and can be quite, er, enterprising. It's not uncommon to find them like this:

Yes. They stuck a football under the rug to more accurately simulate a putting green's topography.

Alex thinks all of Ashton's ideas are good and wants to be friends with all his friends. And this works out most of the time considering Ashton is such an amazing big brother (really).

So age 4 on the left, age 5 on the right:
It's been a big year for Alex! Literally: he grew 3 inches and gained almost 6 pounds. There is so much more to know about Alex in the day-to-day so if I think of anything else I'll keep updating this post.

I'll leave you with his HBD video - YAY FIVE!!

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