04 October 2012

14 Months

14 months old and there is one word to describe Ashton: BIG. That's like all I can say, he's huge. See for yourself!

He's in size 5 diapers, size 5.5W shoes, 18-24 month clothes...he loves to clap, "dance" (which is really keeping his feet rooted to the ground and bending his knees up and down really fast), walk around exploring the house, swing, and just in general get into things. Nothing new there. He makes lots of noise although I wouldn't translate it into anything English at this point. Martian maybe, there are some pretty high squeaks in there. His favorite food is his thumb pasta with cut up meatballs and sauce. I often feel guilty that I feed him that almost every night for dinner haha. Plus some veggies, which he usually doesn't eat but it I give myself points for offering. We've started to put milk in his sippy cups and I can't believe the days of No More Bottles will be here soon. 

It's pretty clear that he understands some of what we say to him/ask him. He knows when it is bath time, will pause (albeit for a nanosecond) at the word "No" and if I say, "Ashton, bring me a story to read" he will often go fetch a book. And various other examples I won't bore you with. He really is just so big. Picking him up at 4:45 after work is the happiest part of my day. He smiles so big his face can hardly handle it and comes to me as fast as he can to be scooped up for a hug.

He still has just two main bottom and two main top teeth. The ones on the sides on top seem be stuck, those things are in no hurry and have been halfway down now for awhile. Quite the look. Still just two teeny ones on the bottom, they seem content to be by themselves.

And so it goes. We are well-settled into our routine, which of course means something has got to give. It seems like it might: we have accepted an offer on our condo and our home inspection is tomorrow. If everything is amenable, we close November 27th and as of right now, have no idea where we are going to go. Things could get interesting - think we could all fit in Ashton's car? 

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