27 July 2012

Trying to keep up!

Hi readers! If you're still out there. I have no excuses for my lack of posting this month! Each day that goes by that I don't write something, the task gets more and more daunting. We have been all over the place. Actually, it's more like Ashton has and I just follow him trying to mitigate any damage (to our house or to his person). He's definitely leading the charge; terrorizing Tate's water bowl and scooping the dirt out of our plants has been just the beginning of his adventures.

So we have a couple of big things going on. First birthday is in one week. As in, seven days. This milestone is not enough in and of itself though: it marks the beginning of the end of my time at home with my sweet baby boy. I am officially looking for a job. We have outgrown our condo (and the third floor and busy road!) and my gainful employment will help facilitate getting a (certainly little considering the prices around here) house. This is a topic that will arise in future posts as the process unfolds but, there you have it. If I think too much about it I get really sad so without further ado here are the latest pics, in Ashton's own words.

Sometimes I like to make myself a coffee table sandwich.

God if I could just find something to eat around here. I mean, note that I appear to be holding up the pantry drawer with my head. Yes, cute girl babies everywhere, I am that strong. This one's for you. 

Tate, are you home? You can't hide from ME. I have eyes on the back of my...um...well...

Mmm, I love a good clean sock. Fresh out of the dryer.

Another demonstration of my brute strength. It's not easy to balance like this you know.

My love for the kitchen stools is a close second to the coffee table. 

Also, in looking at the above photo, I'd like to make a statement. Tate thinks that I drag his food dish around the kitchen, but he's got it all wrong. I'm telling you, that bowl follows me

Whatever this is, it's cold. The freezer is decidedly not my favorite thing to stick my hand into.

I command thee beach rock, DON'T MOVE!

I'm far too busy to be held and to pose for a picture. Put me down. And by the way Mom, you look tired. How come?

This is what I think of your meatballs.

Read the onesie.

Explains it all.

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