08 March 2019

Quick Before and After: Guest Room and a bonus!

Our house used to be a traditional cape and as such, the original (or, what I presume to be the original) master bedroom is on the first floor at the base of the stairs. It's gone through a lot of iterations including changing paint colors, window treatments and art over the past 3.5 years since we've lived here. But, I literally have ONE true before picture, from the listing photos when the house was for sale.

What it looks like now:

Opposite wall before

Generally this space is tough to photograph when you only have an iPhone - here's a panorama attempt...

Last couple:

So in this room we swapped out the fan, painted (twice), added crown molding, and the main feature is that Jason white washed a bunch of planks and we made an accent wall behind the bed. It's a very subtle detail that makes the room feel pretty cottage-y. I totally don't mean to minimize how much work that wall was but frankly it's been like a year since Jason did it and I just want to move on from this post haha. Sorry honey.

Another exciting update is that we finally put a runner on our steep, death-trap of a staircase! Before and aftersssss

The true color is a lighter gray than it appears. Anyway, overall it makes me feel like I live in a grown-up house. I can't explain it. We used AJ Rose on Route 9 and it's just so professional. But of course now the rug in the foyer doesn't match so I need to pick a something more complementary. Sort of like how we just re-did the living room fireplace and it was like great now we need all new furniture. But that's a whole other post! The house stuff rolls on!

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