08 August 2018

Ashton is SEVEN!!

OMG readers. Ashton is 7 years old which means this blog is 7 years old! And I've been a MOM for 7 years! Oy...I need to sit down. Oh wait I am already sitting. There is no respite from this fact! 7 years, wow...A bigger wow is that I managed to get through this particular birthday without throwing a party! Woo! I don't know what happened - Ashton didn't really ask for one and seemed satisfied when I told him that we could just have a special day together. So that's what we did!

At 6:15 am on Friday, August 3rd, Ashton officially turned 7. He was not awake and I don't think would grasp the concept anyway. Once everyone was up Ashton opened his presents immediately.

Making him wait would only be torturing him and no one likes to be tortured on their birthday. Behold the sequence in which Ashton opens the Battlebots and look specifically at Alex's face:

This is what you call a strategic birthday present - it requires 2 players ;) And it's everything I hoped it would be, they battled away for hours on Friday and are still in love with it days later, which, for a toy, is a win.

Jason went to work and the boys and I went for a swim and to do some errands. When Jason got back, we headed to Fun & Games (Ashton's pick), which is kind of like a Chuck E. Cheese but with better games and cleaner. Shockingly, there was no one inside the dark arcade on a beautiful Friday afternoon ;) Basically you play the games, get some tickets, and trade them for cheap plastic prizes. A 7 year old boy's dream! Ashton jumped a lot.


Then back home for some more Battlebots (they are remote controlled robots that have magnetic pieces placed *just so* - when the bot gets hit by a competitor the pieces can fly off, I'll admit it's exciting):

Grilled hot dogs (Ashton's birthday dinner request), some cupcakes, picture attempts...


(He's making that face because he blew his candles out before we were done singing and he knew 
he should have waited - aw)

and that is the wrap on my little, er, BIG 7 year old!! 

I, of course, am still 30.


  1. I just had to comment... Tonight I was googling "mailboxes blue house" because I'm looking for some ideas - your house came up on google images. As I was looking at your house I thought "This house looks very Massachusetts" - as I scrolled through even further through your blog (so cute), I was like "These places look familiar" - long story, short - I've lived in Virginia for forever now, but grew up in Watertown. I just thought it was a crazy coincidence (even though I think you've since moved on from that part of the Belmont/Watertown/Waltham triangle!). : ) Anyway - loved the changes you made to your house and I think I'll be trying out the SW gray you used! : )

    1. Hi Amy! I went to college in Virginia (W&M) - small world! Thank you for your compliments and for reading - we live in Natick now but we loved Watertown :)

  2. Happy Birthday Ashton! Wow 7 years old. Funny, Andrew loves that show Battlebots and watches it and geeks out over text with his friend like a child, lol. Fun gift!

    1. Lol pretty sure Ashton will be just like Andrew one day :)
