12 July 2016

Recent Days (Independence and Birth)

My poor little blog has been all alone lately! We've been out and about having crazy wild times and I am now back to share all the juicy details! (Just kidding, there's really nothing too out of the ordinary coming up ha ha.)

We packed up and took a little sojourn to Long Island for 4th of July weekend. Our official summer vacation there will be the last week in July, but we were ready for a change of scenery and some beach time. We spent a 3 days there with Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Chris and Aunt Lizzie and Cousin Owen and it mostly looked like this.

We came back early on Monday July 4th because Jason had to work. He had to work BECAUSE I surprised him with a trip to Block Island for his 39th birthday (July 6). We actually went down on July 5 and stayed overnight. BY OURSELVES. I was willing to overlook missing the fireworks due to the promise of a kid-free 36 hours beginning the next day. Jen came at 8 am on Tuesday morning off we went.

How was it? The best word I can think of to describe it is: light. We were so relaxed! For starters, we only packed what we could fit in the back of our beach chairs (plus a very full cooler with lots of adult drinks :) ). This was my pile:

That's it! That's all I had to pack! To give you an idea of what I didn't have to pack: kids' bathing suits, rash guards, shorts, tee shirts, pajamas, sweatshirts, shoes, diapers (overnight, regular and swim), wipes, towels, toothbrushes, monitors, lotion, hats, sunscreen, toys, snacks, sippy cups, nightlights, booster seat, pillows, stuffed puppies and the list goes ON.

It was a very rainy morning and I was a little distressed about the weather, I'm not going to lie.

(Coffee toast: we were freeeeeee!)

We got to the ferry around 11:30 am and the minute we walked off the boat and onto BI, the clouds parted and the sun came out.

And then we stayed at the beach ALL DAY. Like, until 7 pm!! We did switch beaches in the middle of the afternoon but just because we could! I didn't have to worry about any kids being hungry, thirsty, tired, hot, or sandy. No one needed my assistance to dig a hole and I didn't have to play lifeguard. It was glorious. Dinner and drinks were in front of the most beautiful sunset outside at the Surf Hotel, and then we were the first people back on the beach at 8 am the next morning. Our ferry home was at 12 pm after a solid 24 hour getaway. It was sunny and perfect the whole time :)

If it looks like we drank all day, that's true. We did :D But in a leisurely way of course. And at times, gazing out at the scene, I did feel a little guilty because there were happy laughing tanned kids everywhere frolicking on the beach and we knew the boys would have had a great time. OH WELL! We had an even greater time without them ;) 

Case in point: we got home that afternoon and celebrated Jason's birthday dinner outside (Alex's favorite-upon-favorite thing to do lately is eat outside. I think it's because it's his longest sentence that we understand. He'll say "I wan ea ot dog ow-tide mommy! I wan ea ow-tide!" [Translation: "I want eat hot dog outside! I want eat outside!" - as you know, he's in speech therapy haha.]

ANYWAY, we had dinner and dessert outside and the boys pitched a FIT when they saw Jason's candles (there were 3). Jason divvied them up so everyone could have one.

And then we sang: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f04V_lYBxjM
Can you believe Ashton? That attitude is exactly why we went to BI without him ;)

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