Things have been much more eventful with Ashton, who ALSO had a pediatrician visit this morning. It was a followup to this past Tuesday, when I was forced to take him in for the same respiratory illness he had three weeks ago. Another two hour afternoon, missed nap, two nebulizers, oxygen tests, etc. before they sent us up to Lexington Children's Hospital for a chest x-ray. They were worried about pneumonia, which thankfully he does not have, but we've been on four nebulizers a day with a steroid inhalant plus albuterol and well, Ashton has been the tasmanian devil. It's been a really trying few days, he literally spins around destroying the house. And of course it hasn't been above 40 degrees since Monday so we've been inside. But today was much better and we are going to scale back the nebulizers ("tubes") as Ashton calls them, and hopefully be outside a lot this weekend. We have quite a team coming into town to rebuild our back deck so watch for that before and after post next week!
Besides the pediatrician, we've had some better outings. Last week we went to Drumlin Farms to see the baby animals with my friend Kathleen and her twin boys Jackson and Adrian, who turned 3 in January (fun fact: Kathleen's husband is the chef at Anthem, where Jason worked for a couple years before the Lenox, which was before Brae Burn). They live in Watertown too. So we packed up and it was a beautiful day. You can imagine with three boys that never stop moving, you don't get great pictures. These were my best shots.
While we are on animals, Jason had the Barnyard Babies at Brae Burn last weekend for their annual kids' Bunny Brunch (whoa how is that for some B's!). It was pouring and a crappy day but Ashton Alex and I made the trip over and the babies were so cute - weeks old, just like Alex :)
The Easter Bunny was also there, Ashton was not so into that. I find that most small kids aren't. Those costumes are scary!
In between all the animal action in the past week, there was some gardening...
Some living room picnicking...
Outdoor napping...
And general brotherly love.
I also have some really good news...I was officially approved to go back to work part time, two days a week, once my maternity leave ends (June 2) through the end of the summer. I am breathing a big sigh of relief! More time at home with Alex and also more time to figure out what our full time childcare situation is going to be. Lots of options (and lots of $$$!) but I'm so happy and reminded how lucky I am to have such a great job.
Let's see what else...Jason and I are taking the plunge on some big house projects this month, so hopefully that will make for some good posts! And of course we've got Easter on Sunday, the Marathon on Monday, and lots more fun things on the calendar. Busy busy busy...should be a good Spring (ahem, Mother Nature, that was a hint - please raise the temps, I've got boys that need to get outside)!
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