08 June 2013

A Perfect Example

I know I talk a lot about Ashton's shenanigans. It is never a good idea to take your eyes off him, sometimes even for a second. If you do, you might get lucky and the result of your carelessness is fairly benign: he'll hide his milk sippy on you (and finding that two days later is not a sweet surprise), a heavy pot will be dragged out of the cabinet and clang loudly on the floor (perhaps a small tile chip on that one), or your diaper bag is yanked off the counter in a manner so violent that even the stuff in the zippered pockets spills out.

Other times you won't get lucky (like last week) and you'll have a very bruised, very tearful little boy on your hands.

Most often, though, he gets caught in the act. Like, mid-disaster. I'll leave him doing one thing, go to pick something up or put something away, turn back around and:

No real harm done, but the potential, oh the potential. He's standing on top of the coffee table, about to dive bomb off the couch, or trying to feed his cheerios to an electrical outlet.

For whatever reason, we woke up this morning and our cable wasn't working. Not a big deal on most days but Ashton was super cranky and I knew the only thing that would help was a little Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. So I did what any mom would do and improvised. I got out the laptop, found an episode on YouTube, tilted the screen just so, and set him up with his chair and a snack in the kitchen.

Oh he was into it. He sat for awhile smacking his grapes (grapes that, 15 minutes ago when he was in his highchair for breakfast, were nowhere near good enough to eat, but that's neither here nor there). All was peaceful, so I (wrongly) assumed it was safe to turn around to do the dishes. I guess between the water running and Mickey et al making such a racket I didn't hear him get up and do THIS:

Refer to cartoon above.

He dragged his chair about five feet, flipped it and climbed right up. I mean, $&*#@%t!  He could have thrown the computer on the floor and broken it! ;)

Anyway, just thought I'd let you know what I'm dealing with around here. Perhaps I should call the circus? What do acrobats get paid these days?

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